Tuesday 2/6/24

7:09a.m. I didn’t have a very good night thanks toan vivid dreams and poor care. I remember this ore one dream where I was going to get a job as an accounting clerk for a store in a Mall. My mother didn’t want me to take the job. Another argument with my parents began I didn’t take the job.r. I dont

Then I had little or no care. I was changed once shortly after supper. I don’t remember being changed until early in the morning. Then they got me up way too early at 4:00. I was in my wheelchair by 4:30. I slept for a couple hours then called Chocolatechip.

We talked for ak few minutes. Yesterday her computer got a virus and no longer works. She was upset at the time but today she was ok.  Chocolatechip said the computer was on its last legs. She has a tablet and cell phone she said . Besides Chocolatechip is fed up with technology We talked about that until they served drinks and breakfast.

Breakfast was delicious. I had biscuits and gravy  I also got extra coffee and orange juice. I desperately needed an extra cup of coffee and juice. The extra caffeine was a boost to my sagging mood. 

11:00a.m. I’m having a so so day. I hate going to the Fiesta Room anymore because it is so cold.  Still, I went there anyway for the coffee. I drank one cup and left. I was pretty miserable so I left. I stopped by the office to find out my debt amount.  This was different woman I talked too than the last time. She told me I owe $675. This isn’t right I said. Last time I checked it was $167.

I got a bit upset with this news. This frigging nursing home hasn’t been straight with me about my bill since day one. Lady I talked with today said this Bonnie person will be in tomorrow. She can tell me the right amount. I think I smell yet another bullshit story.

I talked with Chocolatechip when I got back to my room. She just got in from doing laundry. Chocolatechip was trying to figure out how to cancel her YouTube Premium account. This time she was able to do it on her tablet. Then she was trying to figure out if the new Q Link plan applied to her tablet. I said I think it applies just to your cell phone.

We talked about Comcast. Comcast is never on the level.  She is going to keep her contact with Comcast limited. She also said no more computers or cell phone deals. She knows very little about computers and that lack of knowledge can get you in big trouble. I agreed with her on that. 

We talked for a long time time then she wanted to eat lunch. So we said our goodbyes. I’m sitting in my wheelchair waiting for my lunch. Today it is hamburger and fries. I love a good hamburg so I’m looking forward to my meal.

5:13p.m. I read a lot in my Bible this afternoon. I read six chapters in 1 Samuel. I was reading about how the Israelites wanted a king. This was not a good idea said Samuel. The true King of Israel was the Lord. Yet the Lord granted their wish. He told his servant Samuel to anoint Saul. I read about Saul and how he was a big disappoint. The Lord ended up calling David, son Jesse, to be anointed King.

I also talked with Chocolatechip. We talked about different things until they served drinks. I had a glass of lemonade and it made me very bloated. I can’t eat my supper of chili and rice. I feel like I want to throw up.   

I plan on reading a couple chapters in Midnight in Washington by Adam Schiff tonight if I’m not too sick. I am not through that book. I’m not sure what’s up next. I think I’ll read another book on Trump



































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February 6, 2024

Bear, I find your dreams very interesting and revealing, because you disclose so little about your “past life.” Your descriptions of the food are also enticing.

February 6, 2024

@ravdiablo I am not very proud of my past life. I’d just as soon forget about it




February 6, 2024

@bear70 I dunno – we’ve all done things in our lives that we regret. They still make for interesting stories to share, especially on a website where nobody knows you.