Tuesday 12/5/23

5:52a.m. I slept well for a change. I didn’t have any pain or weird dreams. Also, the care was decent.  I was changed at least twice. Then the aides let me sleep until 5:30. They werek not too friendly but they did a good job. I’m in my wheelchair now. I feel awake and pain free. This is going to be a better day.

Well, today is a big day for Chocolateschip. They are spraying her apartment for bed bugs. She is ready for them. It is about time the Housing Authority did something about the bed bug problem. They told Chococolatechip they want too do a thorough job this time and get to the root of the problem. Why didn’t they do this the first time around? I only hope this will be the last time around.

I did a lot of reading before going to bed. I read in the book of Genesis. I read read about how God tested Abraham. Abraham was to sacrifice his only son Issac. Now Abraham was faithful to God and obeyed all of his commands. In return God promised Abraham he will bel the father of many nations.

Abraham trusted the Lord. He loved his son Issac. He didn’t want to kill his only son. But he prepared for the sacrifice. Abraham just knew the Lord will intervene and stoif p the sacrifice. Abraham’s faith in God was rewarded. An angel of the Lord appeared at the last minute. Abraham passed the test of faith and Issac was saved.

I also read Wolves of the Calla by Stephen King I enjoyed reading both the Bible and King. So the day ended on a good note.

9:23a.m. Chococolatechip called  She talked about the bed bug problem. She wants maintenance to get rid of her present airbed. She doesn’t want to touch it or go anywhere near it. Even if they spray it today she doesn’t want to touch the thing. But George said maintenance can’t do it until Friday. We both agree it should be done today. This is an emergency situation. Even if they spray it the airbed could still be contaminated and her apartment will be infected again. 

We talked about other things as well. Chocolatechip has to replace a lot of stuff. She is facing a financial hardship because of the bb problem.She called her case manager to see if she can get help from Healthways. Then I said this is why I don’t like the idea of a gift card. You will need every penny. Chocolatechip said we will see.

I of me would love another $25 Amazon gift card. I already have like a million some books on my tablet. But there is no such thing as too many books. Yet Chocolateschip needs help herself. I would feel like a shit for taking money from her under these circumstances. After all I have plenty of books and she already bought me a Christmas gift. More books are not a necessity at this point.

I’m at the coffee social now. I just finished my second cup. I was feeling a bit tired and sluggish. The coffee is perking me up. I’m feel human.

12:58p.m. I didn’t last too long at the social I ended up with a bad case of arthritis. It was in both hands but it seemed my entire body was in pain. So I finished my second cup of coffee then headed back to my room. I ached the rest of the morning. Pain was at a level 5 on a 1-5 scale.

I talked with Chocolateschip. She went on about the extermination. Im afraid my heart wasn’t in them conversation. I was in too much pain. But we talked until lunchtime.  I had two hamburgers and fries plus a dish of pineapples. Lunch plus the coffee and juice seemed to make things better.

They are having Bible study tonight at seven o’clock. I would  love to go but this is turning out to be a very bad day. Arthritis is kicking my butt. Pain subsided a bit but I’m still hurting. All  I really want to do is get back in bed. 

2:24 p.m. I guess I’m not going to Bible study. I’m back in bed for good. They say You rest is good for arthritis . I plan on getting plenty of rest today. Oh they finished spraying Chocolateschip’s apartment. She cannot back in another hour












































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December 5, 2023

I’m a practitioner of the Jewish faith, so I have spent a lot of time pondering this story, which is very complicated. One of the interpretations of this story is that this was not an actual event, but a parable that separated Judaism from other faiths by rejecting the concept of human sacrifice (which was common at that time among many other faiths in the area.) By substituting the ram, Judaism was distinguishing itself by using animals instead of humans to offer gratitude to the deity.

December 5, 2023

@ravdiablo Interesting comment. I think most of the stories in the Bible are designed to teach us that we need a relationship with God

December 6, 2023

@bear70  Indeed, especially in a world where people were wrestling with the concept of a single omniscient deity. There’s a wonderful book called “God: A Biography” delves deeply into these stories and what they tell us about how the writers of the Bible developed and shaped our relationship with this deity.