Tuesday 11/14/23

 6:31a.m. Yesterday turned out to be a terrible day They stripped and waxed my floors..  They took everything out of my room around eleven o’clock. I had to go back to the Fiesta Room.k. I ended up being there until seven . By then the Hoyer pad was killing me. It felt ?I!e sharp edges bed were cutting into my butt. 

I was in a hell of a lot of pain. I got scolded for yelling out. Then I almost got into it with an aide. “I got to get off this God Damned Hoyer pad!” I screamed. He yelled back “Don’t yell at me like that!” Twice I got yelled at for screaming out in pain.

All afternoon I kept thinking what kind of hellhole is this place?  People who work here don’t seem to care about the residents. They are are just marking time to get a paycheck. For example, when I came back last  night my hearing impaired phone was. Missing. Nobody until a few minutes ago would help me find it. Again I had to raise hell at the nurse’s station before they sent anyone down to hook it up.

Of course I had incontinence episodes while out of my room. I couldn’t get changed. I had to sit in urine and feces until 7pm when they finally put me to bed.  By then I was one miserable pissed off old fart.

But I think today is going to be better. I finally got my phone working. I had my coffee and orange juice. Breakfast was good. It consisted of biscuits and gravy with oatmeal I ate it all and didn’t get sick. Today is going to be much better. 

2:52p.m. Well this turned out to be another bad day. I got very depressed this morning. Also, I ached from arthritis and muscle spasms. It didn’t help that I laid in urine and feces all morning. All of this caused me to be in a very bad mo

Chococolatechip was also having a bad day. We chatted on Messenger a lot. She was going on about a few people in the building namely Tim the Moocher. He is a sick man mentality and physically who only uses people for what he can get. Then on a lighter note she went on about Schwann’s. The truck was supposed to stop today. Chococolatechip thought about ordering groceries from them instead of making a trip to Krogers We chatted on and off almost all morning.

While we were chatting I sat in urine and feces. This was in addition to being in pain. Like I said I was one miserable old fart. I was really very grumpy until they served lunch. I had two hamburgers and fries plus Mandarin oranges. Lunch cheered me up until I had yet another BM. I had to sit in that until they put me to bed and changed my briefs.

I’m in bed now. It is after three o’clock. I feel better but I had yet another bad day.

6:12p.m. I crashed for ninety minutes. Then I had an incontinence episode of massive proportions. The aide said she will change me after supper. This means lying in urine for at least two more hours. Perfect ending to a very bad day day. This makes two shitty days in a row.

I didn’t read today. I just didn’t feel up to it. I probably won’t read tonight I’m just too damned tired. Besides lying in urine does not make one want to read.




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November 14, 2023

I’m glad you maintain your optimism even after all this pain and mistreatment.