Tuesday 10/8/24

5:23a.m. I’m above the dirt. I had some weird dreams last night. In one dream I was a Scottish Lord living in a dilapidated castle. There was a rebellion of 1748 against English rule. I was against those in support of Bonnie Prince Charles Stuart. In another dream I was a gambler playing poker. I got in trouble for cheating at the cards. They came after me wanting their money back with interest. Finially in a dream I was trying to sort out a lot of coins lying on the table. I had trouble counting them.  I had a very restless night.

I was up by 5:00. I had good aides this morning. They cleaned me up pretty good, changed my briefs got me dressed and in my wheelchair. I t el fairly good but could use some coffee. This is going to be the start of another good day.

7:17a.m. I fell asleep in my wheelchair. I woke up to orange juice and coffee on my table. Then I talked with Chocolatechip. I got.  We talked for a few minutes. But I was glad to hear from her.  I’m glad to report that she is in good spirits.

I’m awake now thanks to my morning coffee and juice. I’m waiting for my breakfast. I hope it is a good one because I’m hungry.

9:11p.m. I had two biscuits, scrambled eggs and oatmeal cereal for breakfast. It was delicious. Breakfast and coffee made me feel like I could take on the world. Instead I started to read my book The White House Years by Henry Kissinger. I finished Chapter XII. In the final section Kissinger wrote about how we failed to help the Cambodia resit the Khmer Rouge and North Vietnam from taking over. The result was genocide for the Cambodian people. Kissinger blamed domestic turmoil and opposition that kept us from helping that country. Next up is Chapter XIII ” The Soviet Riddle, SALT and the Summit.”

I am in the Fiesta Room now. I got my second coffee today. Girls from Brooke High were very nice. They hooked up my oxygen tank and pushed me down. I was telling Chocolatechip everyone has been nice to me and I’ve been getting excellent care these last two days. Something must have gone down.

11:57a.m. I’m in bed already. I had  a major incontinence episode right now before I was going to the Fiesta Room for lunch. The aides came in to change my briefs. I opted to stay in bed because I had no clean pants. Getting changed this early is very unusual. Usually I have to sit in urine and feces for like ten eleven hours. I’m not used to this kind of special treatment.

I’ve been reading The White House Years by Henry Kissinger since coming back from the coffee social. I started reading Chapter XIII. Kissinger wrote about the problems negotiating with the old Soviet Union. Then he wrote about how the Soviet leaders tried to isolate the U.S. by reaching out to our NATO allies. The Chancellor of West Germany, Willy Brandt and Ospolitik come to mind.

I read twenty pages in my book so far today. I hope to read a total of fifty.

4:40p.m. I had to defuse around lunch time. My phone was knocked o the table. It took awhile for them to pick it up. I got a bit upset because that phone is my lifeline. Consequently I ended up sleeping most of then afternoon.

When I woke up I looked at books. I saw a couple good books coming out this month. Bob Woodward is coming out with a book called War on October 15. The NYT had a big write up about it. Then my second favorite author, David Baldacci, is coming out with To Die For on the same date. I wished I had some of my gift card money left.

I spent a fortune on books last month. I’m happy with my purchases and I will read them all. But there is no such thing as too many books. I was telling Chocolatechip I just want every ebook written in the English language. That isn’t asking too much, is it?

6:29p.m. They served breaded fish, pan fried potatoes ,blended veggies, a dinner roll and ambrosia for supper. It was delicious. I talked while I ate. She was worried about a doctor appointment tomorrow afternoon. It is about her kidney. She doesn’t want to go on kidney dialysis. I said don’t worry until you see the doctor. We also talked about this one asshole in Misery Towers. He has schizophrenia but he went off his meds. Chocolatechip said he has been acting very weird. I said there are a lot of assholes in Misery Towers who act weird. We talked until she went to bed.

I hope to stay up and read my book The White House Years by Henry Kissinger. I haven’t reached my daily quota yet. I got that big test at West Liberty to study for. Life is good.

10:30p.m. Things were going great tonight. I got a much needed shower. I fell asleep after the aides left. When I woke up I couldn’t find my Kindle. Somehow it ended up on the floor. I screamed bloody murder. But the aide picked it up for me and it is working. I would be lost without my Kindle and ebooks.













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2 days ago

I love hearing about your dreams; you seem to be a time-traveler while asleep!

2 days ago

I’m glad you have good aides today!! I saw some of your other posts and I felt so upset for you and how you were being left all night. It isn’t fair and nobody deserves to be treated that way. I’m really praying the rest of the week continues to be better for you and that you are treated correctly.

Your dreams are also always so interesting! You sound incredibly intelligent. Take care of yourself 🤍

2 days ago

Wow, I love your positivity, it is infectious, I am smiling while reading your post. I pray that you have many more good days ahead of you.

I am in awe of how detailed your dreams were, that is a gift and a blessing I imagine. I am told that we all dream nightly, unfortunately, I rarely remember my dreams, I go years between.

2 days ago

Hi Bear, you have such vivid dreams it’s fascinating! I sometimes draw my dreams to remember what they looked like. I’ll try to post pictures of my nicest dreams. I’m so glad you got good aides you deserve it. Wishing you the best and speak soon.

2 days ago

Hi i’m sorry if it’s an odd question but i’ve seen a couple of your posts start with ‘i’m above the dirt’. can you tell me what this means to you? Thankyou for posting I enjoyed reading a lot

2 days ago

@alex876 It means I’m still alive

1 day ago

@bear70 thankyou ! i think it’s a lovely turn of phrase. you are above the dirt and under the sun and stars 🙂

2 days ago

I’m glad to hear you’ve had better care today!  Long may it continue 🙂

2 days ago

hey bear,

I specially created a account to be able to respond to your journal. Its good to read that you had a nice meal and that youre reading a good book, as well as that you’ve received good care.

greetings from the netherlands! 🌷

2 days ago

Hi! You seem like such an interesting person, i made an account just so i can comment under your posts. I hope you see this and if you do, i hope your day is going well!

2 days ago

you have gentle and soft days looking your way, never forget that you are loved

2 days ago

hi bear ! i really hope all your days start to feel as good as this one. Looking forward to all of your other entries 🙂

2 days ago

I appreciate hearing about your day to day life and dreams! Those dreams are such stories 🙂

im so happy to hear your receiving the proper care you deserve. Keep updating us all, we love hearing from you! You are loved by so many here 🙂

2 days ago

it’s really nice reading about your dreams and thoughts! you have a very creative mind, im sending much love from afar and hope good days are coming for you 💛