Tuesday 1/9/24

9:07a.m. I had a little bit better night except for weird dreams. I had another crossdressing dream. I Don’t remember much of it except I was dressed as a woman. I also had a few muscle spasms that hurt like hell. Other than that I had a good sleep. I was ready to get up when they changed my  briefs at five. But once again I slept in my wheelchair until breakfast.

I had ham and very cold scrambled eggs for breakfast. I also had three slices of toast. The ham was good but I couldn’t eat the eggs. I talked with Chocolatechip after I ate. She was in good spirits. But we only talked a few minutes. I had to go to physical therapy.

Physical therapy went well. Lynn and I were the only ones there today. She said the roads were pretty bad. We worked out for an hour. We did the usual arm exercises. Then I worked out a with weights. I had a good time but my arms were pretty sore. Still, I’m glad I went today. Lynn took me to the Fiesta Room for the Coffee Social when we were finished.

I don’t need changed yet so I’m not fighting with the aides. I was talking to Lynn about that.  I went on about this is a nice place except for the lousy care. She agreed. I said I was told by a very reliable source all places are the same. I said kids just don’t want to work and if you don’t like it get a job in Walmart.

11:22a.m. I had a good time at the Coffee Social. I had two cups of coffee and a donut. I stayed for an hour then wheeled myself back to my room. I called Chocolatechip. We had a nice conversation for the longest time. She was watching Coal  Miner’s Daughter. We talked about that movie. Then we talked about Tim the Mooch. Chocolatechip said she is going to write him off. I said i never did like how he treated you. He never treated you with respect. She is just not answering her door anymore.

I said I’m doing a lot better today. I’m not suffering from arthritis . I haven’t had any incontinence episodes so I’m not fighting with the aides. I had three coffees today and the caffeine made me feel good all over. Today is a much better day. 

Then Chocolatechip started talking about bed bugs. She gave her apartment a thorough cleaning today. She didn’t see any bed bugs. Still, Chocolatechip is going to call the exterminator. She wants to find out when he will check her apartment  I said I hope he comes soon. She wants to know if he will come Friday. She says she doesn’t want to miss Bible study.

Speaking of Bible study I didn’t study my Bible last night. In fact I didn’t do any reading. I was too tired and miserable to read. I felt like pure hell. But I’m feeling much better today. I hope to make up for lost time.

  1:16p.m. I had a delicious lunch. They served sweet and sour meatballs over rice, broccoli, a dinner roll and peaches for dessert. I also had my coffee and juice. I feel pretty good after a good meal and all that coffee in my system.

I talked with Chocolatechip after I ate. The Schhwaans truck was supposed to be in the neighborhood today. She was thinking about ordering food from them. I said that might be a good idea. The prom is she couldn’t respond to their email. She tried calling them but couldn’t get a response. Chocolatechip gets tired of all this technology that doesn’t work right in the first place.  She said if they come they come if they don’t they don’t 

I was talking with her and got a little bit bloated. It was very painful. I ended our conversation by saying I had to go to the nurse’s station.

I did say Michelle, the omnibusman stopped by. I Michelle that I was lying in my own filth all yesterday morning. Michelle is going to report it to the supervisor. She also asked how the care has been lately. I said on the whole the care sucks. Chocolatechip said lots of luck. Reporting doesn’t do a damned bit of good. 

I also said the nursing home is having their Bible study tonight. I would like to give that a second shot. Last time I got very frustrated and left because I couldn’t hear. It won’t hurt to give it a second try. 

I plan on reading Dark Tower by Stephen King the rest of the afternoon. I’ve been on that frigging book for ages. I’m going to finish that damned thing if its the last book I eve  read. 

3:50p.m. I spent an hour reading. I read one chapter of Dark Tower. I’m at the part where Roland Dechain and Jake Chambers are trying to save the life of Stephen King. They are trying to save him so King can finish the Dark Tower story and save the universe.

The part where King writes himself into his own story is a bit too much for me to the swallow. Frankly, I’m burned out whole Dark Tower saga. It is just a stupid story and I have so many other books to read. I say this but I keep coming back to it. I’m almost at the end of it and I hate to wimp out. 

6:24pm. I had Salisbury steak and mashed potatoes with gravy, mixed veggies, a dinner roll and Angie food cake with chocolate icing for supper. It was delicious and I ate it all. I !over Salisbury steak. It is one of my favorites.

I called Chocolatechip after I ate. I told her I’m not going to Bible study after all. I went all day without an accident. Then I had a major one during supper. I said I don’t want to go dirty and smelling of urine. We talked for a few minutes then she went to bed.

I had a great day today. I was without any kind of pain. The hoyer please pad didn’t hurt so I stayed in my chair all day. The aide this afternoon asked a couple of times if I was ready for bed. I said I wanted to stay in my wheelchair. I actually liked not being put to bed in the middle of the afternoon. This was a good day indeed. 

8:23p.m. I read two chapters in the Dark Tower. I came across a very sad passage. In the story Roland and Jake saved Stephen King. But the driver of the van, Bryan Smith, killed Jake. With the death of Eddie Dean and now Jake Roland’s ka-tet is broken for good. But the beam and the Tower are saved. One more task is left and that is for Roland to reach the Tower then. I think, kill the Crimson King.

It is late but I’m not tired. I drank five cups of coffee today I’m a bit wired from all that caffeine. I’m still in my wheelchair but I don’t want to go to bed. I want to stay up and read. Next I’m going to study my NIV Study Bible.





















































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