Tuesday 1/16/24

6:05a.m. I am royally pissed!  I didn’t get any care from supper to 5:00 when the aides woke me up. Consequently I was lying in my own filth all night long. I had a horrible night thanks to the lousy CNA’s. This nursing home sucks donkey dicks!. 

In addition supper made me very sick. I had Swedish meatballs, mashed potatoes with gravy, carrots and an apple cobbler. The meatballs were good but way too spicy. I ended up getting very painfully bloated. So I was lying in bed sick and soaked . I didn’t get any Mylanta until I got my evening meds. 

In addition I didn’t sleep well at all. I kept waking up from bad dreams. I was up for good around 3 this morning. I laid in urine and feces for two more hours. I was screaming for help by 5:00. Then the aides finally came. I must admit they did a good job. I got cleaned up and was put in my wheelchair. But my God, what a lousy night.

I called Chocolatechip after I got up. I bitched to her about getting zero care. We can’t understand this place at all. I told her the nursing staff is great, the food is good most of the time and the PT staff is excellent. But the personal care sucks!. She asked if I still have the number from the ombudsman I said no. She will ?ook it up for me and suggested I call. I will call Michelle .

I think yesterday was one of the worst days I had in this place. I sat in urine half the day. Then I laid in piss and poop all night long.  The care in this place sucks. I’ve complained about it to anyone who would listen. Chocolatechip and I called APS and the ombudsman. I complained to the social worker. Nothing ever changes except for the worse.   

7:22a.m. I am feeling better. Writing about my problems helps. Also I had my coffee and orange juice. The drinks soothed the savage beast in me. I’ll be getting breakfast soon. Hopefully I’ll be back to my old self after a good meal.  In any case I’m above the dirt and blessed with another day.   

10:59a.m. I had biscuits and gravy for breakfast. After I ate Lynn took me to the gym for PT. I told her what happened last night. She is going to tell her boss. Arthritis was bad this morning but I finished my exercises. 

Lynn wheeled me to the Fiesta Room early. I was very tired and achy. I fell asleep until they served coffee. After two cups I still feel tired and achy. It is 19 degrees outside. Freezing weather is very bad for arthritis. I’m one miserable old fart today because of a lousy night and arthritis. 

12:32 I talked with a woman named Amy. She is the boss of the physical therapy department. Amy is going to report last night’s incident to the superintendent. I’m still going to call the ombudsman. I hope some changed will be made.

I slept in the Fiesta Room almost all morning. Amy woke me up. Then I had a delicious lunch of two hamburgers, fries and grapes for dessert  I ate it all and didn’t get bloated. I wheeled myself back to my room after I ate. I called Chocolatechip told her about Amy She said good. 

I’m feeling a little better. The sleep I had was restorative . The two cups of coffee and a good meal also helped. On a scale of 1-10 arthritis pain in my shoulder is a 3 or 4. It is better than it was this morning. 

I hope I can stay awake and read this afternoon. I didn’t read last night. I want to finish that stupid Dark Tower book. I have about seven more chapters I’d like to read two chapters a day and finish that sucker.

6:21a.m. I didn’t get to read this afternoon. I was too upset. I sat in urine and feces until 4:00. Aide finially came, put me to bed and changed my briefs. I was upset but the straw that broke the camel’s back came when she knocked over my phone for the second night in a row. I really lost it when she wouldn’t untangle the cords that was stuck on the bedside table.

I ended up talking with the nursing supervisor. I had a major meltdown and was really pissed. I said the personal care here sucks. I told her about not getting any care at all last night. I told her about not getting changed since 5:00am. I voiced all my complaints and gave her a verbal one two punch.

She kind of talked down to me at first. Shel asked if I wanted to go to a different place. I said I basically like it here except for the care. I hate laying in filth day and night. She asked how often would I like my briefs changed. I said whatever is reasonable. We discussed that and agreed every three hours is reasonable.

Lack of care was my main bitch. But I also voiced other matters. I complained about the aides leaving dirty basins in the sink. I said there is so much shit on the sink I can’t brush my teeth in the morning. Sometimes I have to pick up dirty wash clothes. I throw those in the garbage.

Perhaps things might be different this time. I know one thing that’s done different. That aide isn’t talking to me.  I was telling Chocolatechip I don’t care if she is mad. I want a little before it better treatment.

All of this went down before supper. They served chicken, potatoes,corn, cornbread and a brownie. It was delicious and I ate it all. I called Chocolatechip after I ate. I told her about what went down. She said this has been a tumultuous twenty-four hours. Indeed it has been. Chocolatechip also said they will straighten their act up for a few days then slack off again. I said you’re right about that. We talked for a half hour then she wanted to go to bed.

I am still too shook up to read. I’ll spend the night defusing I hope I will have a better night
























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