Thursday 9 /19/24

4:58a.m. I finially calmed myself  and got some sleep. I had a good night with no weird dreams. I am dressed and in my wheelchair already This is a good thing . I hate eating in bed. I can also go to the coffee social. I think this is going to be a good day.

I still can’t believe I spent all that money on books. You watch something will go wrong with my tablet or Kindle. I will be shit up the creek. That is the way my luck goes. Something good happens then something worse happens. I think I’m not going to buy anything from Amazon for a few months. I’m saving up and am definitely buying a tablet and or Kindle.  I sure have enough books to read.

I think that was the most money I spent on books in my life. Believe me ito was a rush. I must of been on a high or somet.hing. For I was like a kid at Christmas time. I was so excited and happy. Now I’m  broke again but I think that I spent my money well. Provided of course my tablet and Kindle hold out. I think I will be ok both are working fines.

6:56a.m. I have been trying to read The White House Years by Henry Kissinger. But I cannot get with it without my morning orange juice and coffee . Then I feel intimidated by Kissinger. He is not for the faint of heart. Also the size of the book is over two thousand pages Before coffee and orange juice tackling this book can be a daunting experience.

I’ll be ok once I get my coffee. They should be serving drinks soon But it seems like I will have to wait for an eternity.

9:59a.m. I’m having a great morning. First they served a coffee cake and scrambled eggs for breakfast. After I had my morning caffeine fix I read my book for awhile. Then Darla took me to physical therapy. I did all my exercises and had a great workout. After pt Darla took me to the Fiesta Room for the coffee social. I read for a little bit and had two cups Then I made my way back to my room.

I’m looking at today’s menu. For lunch they are serving bean & bacon soup, BBQ pork sandwiches, corn and a fruit cup. For dinner I’m having beef stir fry,rice,a dinner roll and a peanut butter bar I’m looking forward to two good.meals.

11:00a.m. I’m soaked and very uncomfortable. The hoyer pad is killing me. I will not get my briefs changed until after lunch. I was having a good day. Then I had a major incontinence episode. That brought on the discomfort. But I’m still going to read my book.

12:59p.m. I went to the Fiesta Room for lunch despite the discomfort. I read my book while waiting for my food. I had two pork sandwiches that were spicy. I made my way back to my room. I talked with Chococolatechip. We talked until it was time for her show.

I am ready to be put back in bed. I’m very sore and soaked. But the aides are taking care of lunch trays. I will be in extreme misery for at least another hour. This place needs a float. I told them that but they  pay no attention to me.

So what started out as a good day is now a shitty day. I am very miserable. I’m soaked because I’ve been sitting in urine for seven hours. There is no excuse for this neglect.

2:18p.m.  I am in bed. The aide was nice. She cleaned me then put cream all over my butt and thighs. I was miserable for awhile but I’m much better. Now I can get back to The White House Years by Henry Kissinger

6:24p.m. I read The New York Times this afternoon. They had some good news about the economy. The Feds cut the interest rate. Also the stock market finished at an all time high and home mortgage rate declined. I tried telling this to Chocolatechip. She said why did they double the price of the washer and dryers? Why did I have to pay $8 for a jar of mayonnaise? I couldn’t argue with that one.

I read until they served drinks and supper. I didn’t like supper. I wasn’t crazy about the rice. But I ate it anyways and without complaining. Beggars can’t be choosers.

I talked with Chocolatechip after I ate. We didn’t have a lot to say. I tried talking politics but she wasn’t to interested. She did say her tv wasn’t working this afternoon. This prompted me to check mine. I still do not have a signal. I don’t watch much tv anyways. Then Chocolatechip talked about her appointment to the blood lab tomorrow afternoon. After that she wanted to go to bed early.

Before going  I mentioned the Kissinger book. I have been reading it almost all day. I am enjoying it I said. I also said I’m glad I bought all those books yesterday. They will keep me going for a long time I said. I also said I’m going to do my best to save up for a tablet and Kindle It might take me five months I said.

Well I’m going to spend the night reading The White House Years by Henry Kissinger. Life is good






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