Thursday 9/12/24

6:47a.m. I finially got some sleep. I had weird dreams last night. I remember one dream was about Vietnam.  I was in this platoon. They here was this one guy who did a previous tour. He kept talking about old war stories. I finally had enough of his bs. I told him to shut the fuck up. We ended up getting into a fist fight. I have a lot of dreams about that war and the military. I don’t know why. 

I figured out what I’m goin to do with that $179. I’m going to invest in a good tablet. In any case I’m not worrying about it anymore. I bet it is all a pipe dream anyways. I probably will not get that much anyways. Besides I got to concentrate on my books. 

They got me dressed and in my wheelchair by 5:00. I’m glad because I can drink my coffee and eat  breakfast.  I fell asleep in my chair . Chocolatechip called and woke me up around 6:30. We had a nice talk.She talked about going to the bank sometime today. Then she plans on doing laundry . We talked until they served breakfast.i had ham and pancakes. 

Well I’m above the dirt. I’m going to have a good day. It started out good. The aides were nice this morning. I had a good breakfast I’m going to finish that book The Truths We Hold by Kamala Harris. That is my goal for the day.        

10:15a.m. I’m having a good so far. I read a few articles in The New York Times . I fell asleep in my wheelchair. But I woke up in time for the coffee social. It went ok in the Fiesta Room. I had one cup then headed back to my room. I called Chocolatechip and left a message. She is no doubt doing laundry. 

I have today’s menu. For lunch they are serving bbq cheeseburgers, tater tots and pineapple tidbits. Dinner is  chicken piccata, rice pilaf, green beans, a dinner roll and a blueberry bar.    

I just got back from physical therapy. I had a great workout.   

12:38p.m. I had two very delicious cheeseburgers for lunch. I ate in the Fiesta Room. I just got back. I’m having another great day.   

4: 41p.m. I had a nice aide who put me in bed at 3:00. I was glad to get back in bed. I spent the next hour searching for books. I found one I bought for $2.99 Why the North Won the Civil War by David Herbert Donald. Before I began my book search I read some more of The New York Times. I’ve been reading my beloved Times most of the day. Tonight I’m definitely finishing The Truths We Hold by Kamala Harris

I had a great day. Any day I can buy can buy a book is a good day. I’m familiar with the books author, David Herbert Donald. Donald wrote a Pulitzer prize winning biography on Abraham Lincoln. So this book I bought today ought to be good.       

Also, I haven’t been obsessing about that supposed $179. I will either get it or I won’t. I waisted enough time obsessing over the money. All that worrying will not change the outcome. It only caused more stress and anxiety that I do not need. So I’m just going to sit back and enjoy the books I have. And I do want to read those books by Henry Kissinger next.

But first I got to finish the Kamala Harris book. I have two more chapters. I’ll get to it after supper. That is still my goal for the day.

6:51p.m. I didn’t get supper until after six. It wad ok. I ate everything but the beans. If I could eat supper in my wheelchair I would enjoy it. Food just doesn’t digest well when I’m on my back. I talked with Chocolatechip while I ate. We had a pleasant conversation. I called at 5:30. We talked about different things for almost an hour. Then she wanted to get ready for bed.

This has been a good day for both of us. Chocolatechip had no major upsets. Neither did I for that matter. I hope to finish that darned book tonight. Life is good.

7:41p.m. I had a good day up until now. I’m soaked in urine and in a lot of pain. I cannot get any help. The aide was just in. She walked out on me when I said I needed changed. God knows when I’ll be getting any help. I’m mad because I can’t concentrate on reading when I’m like this





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