Thursday 6/27/24

12:30p.m. I had a bad night thanks to frigging nightmares. If could write well I’d turn them into novels. I’d be the next Stephen King. They are not bothering me like they used too. Like my psych doctor says they are only dreams. But they are very disturbing and troubling dreams just the same.  

Also I had very shitty care last night. The aides finially gave me a shower and a shave around ten. After she put me in bed I promptly peed myself. Again I peed a river . Once again I was laying in urine until five. So I had a pretty miserable night.

  I was up for good by 7:00. They served a delicious breakfast. I had two cheese omelettes. Then the aides got me dressed and in my wheelchair. I made it to the Fiesta Room for the coffee social. I just finished my cup when Culleen came for physical therapy. 

I had another great workout.  I swear I love physical therapy. But they increased the workout. I did two sets of twenty for my arms and legs. I also worked with the hand grips and the flex bar. I was there for over an hour. My coaches said I am getting stronger every day. I said I felt better after the workout.    

I called Chocolatechip when I got back to my room. She was busy as usual. One of the maintenance men were working on her toilet. She was also getting ready for a doctor’s appointment. Chocolatechip said she was thinking about ordering a pizza from Dominos. I said that sounds like a good idea. We talked for a few minutes then she had to go. 

By then it was close to lunch. Lunch was delicious . They served Bruschetta chicken, mashed potatoes, carrots , and peaches. But the coffee was cold. I drank it anyway and ate everything. I didn’t get sick.

So I had another busy morning. It was all good except for the care. The aides seem to be slacking again. I do not know if it is their fault or management can’t get enough help. All I know is I’m soaked and need my briefs changed. But it looks like I’ll be sitting in urine for a couple more hours Bummer.

2:17p.m. I didn’t have to wait very long to get changed. I’m in bed now with clean briefs on. I’m going to read You Like it Darker by Stephen King. I want to finish that one story ” Danny Coughlin’s Bad Dream.” I’m hooked and anxious to find out how it ends.

3:37p.m. I’ve been looking at books on my Kindle. I have at least five books lined up for next month. They are:

  1. The Making of the President 1972 Theodore H White $9.99
  2. A Perfect Spy by John le Carre’. $9.99
  3. The Mission Song by John le Carre’ $3.99
  4. Battles and Leaders of the Civil War vol 2 $2.99
  5. Battles and Leaders of the Civil War vol 3  $2.99
  6. No Ordinary Time by Doris Kearns Goodwin $17.99.

The total cost will  be $47.94. I can’t wait until they go Walmart shopping so I can get another $50 Amazon gift card.

I also talked with Chocolatechip. She just got back from a doctor’s appointment. It was her sleep apnea doctor. She might need a new machine for her sleep apnea. We talked for a long time. She decided on getting a sub from Dominos tonight. I was telling her the nursing home is holding a birthday party for people born in June. She said I should go because my birthday is Sunday. I said I was afraid I might have an accident. Besides I was already in bed.

I also talked about being incontinent. I said I hate it. That was a major problem during my last days in Misery Towers. It was what did me in. I said I would wake up at 2:00a.m. and start peeing. I swear I would pee constantly all morning. Of course I couldn’t get to the bathroom in time. Going through that was a major ordeal.

We had a nice talk for about a half hour. Then she wanted to place her order so we said our goodbyes. I said I will read while you have supper.

6:30p.m. I had a good supper. They served beef stir fry, rice and a peanut butter bar. I ate it all and it made me bloated. I called Chocolatechip after I ate. Some time ago someone hacked into her facecrap account and took it over.They also got her cellphone number. Her cell has been acting weird ever since. She worked out a budget and is going to get a new phone and number next month. 

We were talking about how to delete that bogus account on her phone. I said get a new phone and number. I would definitely stay clear of Facecrap. There is nothing on that s but trouble. At least it was nothing but trouble while I used it. I was hacked several times I said. I would not download it on your new phone. It is just  worth the hassle in my opinion. But I think she is going to give it a shot.     

We talked about Facecrap. I said I never got much from it. Chocolatechip said it’s a good way to stay in touch with friends and family. Het daughter Anne wants her back on. I said my family never talked to me. Also, they could be anyone. You just don’t know who you are talking to on FC. 

So out conversation was the pros and cons of Facecrap. I do not like it. The cons out way the pros in my opinion. But if she gets enjoyment from in more power to her. I just hope to God she doesn’t give her new number to anyone in Misery Towers. I don’t trust anyone in that hellhole. 

Biden and Trump face off for their first debate tonight. I thought about staying up to watch it. Then I already know whom I’m voting for. It is for Joe Biden. It is going to be a historic event. I should watch it. But Stephen King is calling me. I got to finish that one story “Danny Coughlin’s Bad Dream.’ I know what is really important.   

9:37p.m. I just finished “Danny Coughlin’s Bad Dream.” It was a great story with a suspenseful ending. I highly recommend You Like it Darker for this story alone. Stephen King certainly deserves a five star rating . Next up is another short story called “Finn.”
























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June 27, 2024

Loving the food reports. I wonder if I’ll eat as when when it’s my turn to go into a home….