Thursday 6/20/24

10:14a.m. I had another bad night thanks to nightmares. I was up for good by 7:00. Then they served breakfast and coffee. I had two biscuits and gravy. I was kept in bed until 9:30 when the aides got me dressed and in my wheelchair . It was too late for the coffee social. 

I feel fairly good despite having a bad night. I’m above the dirt so that is half the battle. I’m not experiencing arthritis pain so that’s the other half. I have five more chapters to go in Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin I hope to listen to three chapters today and finish that sucker tomorrow . Three chapters a day is my goal.    

I have today’s menu. I’m having a BBQ  cheeseburger, tater tots and pineapple tidbits for lunch. For dinner it’s chicken picata, rice pilaf  a biscuit, herb green beans and a blueberry bar.    

1:40p.m. I was asked to leave my room at 11:00. They wanted to scrub my floor. So an aide took me to the Fiesta Room for lunch. I brought my Kindle and speaker with me. I started to listen to Chapter 23 of my audiobook Team of Rivals. I ate two cheeseburgers for lunch. I stayed in the Fiesta Room for awhile to hen wheeled myself back to my room.  

I called Chocolatechip. We talked for an hour. She had sent me an email an email about her mental health issues. We talked about that for awhile.She has an appointment with CMP tomorrow morning for an Aristrada injection. She feels she needs the shot she said. We talked for a long time abou her problems I wished I could of been more of a help. 

I don’t know if I have physical therapy today or not. Frankly, I’m not in the mood for it. Arthritis acted up again. On a scale of 1-10 the pain level is a three. This isn’t too bad. It is a mild discomfort but it still hurts. Well Darla is here. I guess I do have pt.

3:06p.m. Physical therapy was a real workout. I did three sets of twenty on my legs. Next week they want to work on my arms and build up my arm muscles. I had to do arm exercises and that killed me.  My shoulders are really aching from that workout. Still I’m glad I went. The workout perked me up a bit.  

I called Chocolatechip when I got back to my room. She wanted to watch Dr Phil. He is having that girl con artist on again. She was the one who faked having cancer. Anyway Chocolatechip and I talked for a few minutes. I’m going back to my book. 

5:58p.m. I didn’t have much of a supper. It was ok and I ate it. I thought it was skimpy. The rice was cold as well. But I’m glad I had something to eat. A bad supper is better than going hungry. 

I have been listening to Team of Rivals. I’m on Chapter 24. The author was talking about the last year of the war. She was also talking about the resignation of Salmon Chase . I thought it was interesting. I’m almost finished with this book. The ending is sad I think for she talks about Lincoln’s assination I hope to finish this tonight or tomorrow.   

I love audiobooks. But I love reading books. I’m going to read the next book. It is a collection of short stories by Stephen King called You Like it Darker. I’m anxious to actually start reading again.    

I’m still it my wheelchair. I haven’t had my briefs changed since they got me out of bed this morning. I am soaked.  I should be pissed but I’m fairly happy. They must of increased the dose of my happy pills or put something in the coffee . Perhaps, just perhaps , today just turned out to be a good one.  

7:13p.m. I’m in bed at last. I’m listening to my audiobook Team of Rivals . The aides left the a/c on. I’m freezing my butt off.    

8:11p.m. I am taking a breakfast from my book. I enjoyed Team of Rivals so much I hate to see it end. But I will read it to the end. I hate not reading a book from cover to cover.

I should be winding down but I’m still wide awake and raring to go. I’m good for another couple of hours at least. I will listen to my audiobook until I fall asleep .   

9:29p.m. I finished Chapter 25 in Team of Rivals . I have three more chapters to go. I should call it a night. But I cannot get away from my audiobook. I’m still wired up. I think I’ll try to finish one more chapter then call it a night. This book is so damned good. I’m definitely giving Doris Kearns Goodwin a five star rating.   

11:40p.m. I’m struggling to stay up and finish that damned book. I’m halfway through Chapter 26. I’m very tired but I cannot stop listening to that book. I’m at the part where Congress passed the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery. The author was saying would not have passed had five Democrats voted yes.

I should be sleeping now. At one point I did fall asleep but quickly woke up. I was holding my speaker close to my ear. I almost dropped it. Thank God I woke up.

















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June 20, 2024

I love reading about all of the wonderful meals you have.  Most of them sound so good!  And just think, you don’t have to prepare them or do the dishes.  Isn’t that nice?  I would really like that.  Good Morning Bear.

June 20, 2024

@wildrose_2 Good evening to you my friend

June 20, 2024

Barbecue Cheeseburgers? I have to know how that is done! I would have eaten 6!

June 20, 2024

@ravdiablo They were good