Thursday 5/30/24

7:26a.m. I had a great night for a change. I actually slept with no nightmares or weird dreams! I was up for good at six. Then the aides came in early. They changed my briefs and got me in my wheelchair before breakfast. I had good breakfast of toast and scrambled eggs. The coffee was cold but I drank it anyways. Other than cold coffee my day is off to a great start! 

 I managed to finish Chapter 11 last night. I have two more to go To the Gates of Richmond will be the 18th book I’ve read this year. My goal for 2024 is 30 books. I’m pleased with myself. I’m over halfway there.   

I talked briefly with Chocolatechip this morning. She had a good night as well. Chocolatechip was getting ready to do a load of laundry this morning. She washed clothes everyday.Dirty laundry piled up is a good place for bed bugs to hide. So far she hasn’t seen any since they sprayed her apartment the last time.

I’m very proud of her. I said you don’t need a caregiver. Shel said she has trouble with her knees. Chocolatechip also said the best way to deal with that is to keep on moving. Otherwise the knees will stiffen up and they will not work at all. In other words you have to use it or lose it. We talked for a few minutes then she went to work. 

I’m above the dirt and faced with another day in the nursing home.  I’m very happy to be in my wheelchair so early. I’ll be able to head on down to the coffee social. Life is good!    

9:57a.m. I made it to the coffee social. I had one cup of hot coffee. I made my way back to my room. I called Chocolatechip but no answer. Then I had a talk with my psych doctor. I told her about the night terrors and how they keep me up at night. We had a !ong talk about the nightmares. I even said I dream a lot about being dressed as a woman in my dreams. I laid it all on the line. We had a good talk. I’m glad I talk with her and laid it all on the line.    

3:33p.m I was having a good day until lunchtime. As usual I made it to the Fiesta Room. I ate two cheeseburgers, tater tots and jello. Everything was great . I made it back to my room. Then I had a major bm just when I got back. It was very,very painful. 

I got help right away. The aides were nice and did a good night job in getting me in bed and cleaning me up. But I felt very weak and tired. I fell asleep asleep and slept most of the afternoon. I feel much better after resting. So that’s how the afternoon went. 

5:03p.m. I’m still not up to par. My stomach is queezy. I’m not eating supper tonight. I think I need to give it a a rest . Right now I’m watching CNN The jury has reached their verdict. Trump was found guilty on all 34 felony counts! I’m surprised as hell. It would be interesting to hear of his sentence. I bet he will face a hefty fine but no jail time. This is good news for me. I suddenly feel up to par. 

7:38p.m. I have been doing a lot of reading. I finished Chapter 12 in To the Gates of Richmond by Stephen W Sears. It was about Malvern Hill fought on July 1,1862. It was the last of the Seven Daysk battles . Confederate forces were slaughtered. Although a Union victory McClellan still ordered a retreat to Harrison’s  Landing. Lee failed to destroy the Union army but he saved Richmond.    

I have one more chapter to go. I hope to stay up tonight and read Chapter 13 “Richmond Delivered.” 


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May 30, 2024

Exactly! You need to move the affected area! Well put Bear! Have an awesome day!!

May 30, 2024

There was a time I think I had night terrors to. It was bad, for about three weeks. I’d have one nightmare, bad one, wake up, go back to sleep, have another one, wake up, and go back to sleep. Until recently I’ve had nightmares since I was about four or five. So I got so used to them I was like I don’t care, maybe this will get better. But after three weeks every single night… I was Very tired. Ya wanna know what helped me. My mom’s friends since when I was born. They prayed over me in the name of Jesus. They did have to pray over me more then once, more like three or four times but it worked. Now I don’t even remember my dreams at all most of the time. You might wanna consider saying get away from me in Jesus name if you have another night terror, or nightmare. Can I pray for you?

May 31, 2024

@overcomer  Yes, thank you