Thursday 5/23/24

10:37a.m. I’m above the dirt and faced with another day in the nursing home. I’m having a good day. Breakfast consisted of toast and scrambled eggs.  The coffee was hot and it put me in a good mood. I went back to sleep after I ate. The aides just got me dressed and in my wheelchair. I’m going to have a good day.

I had a crazy night though thanks to some weird dreams. In this one dream I was talking to a guy I used to work with. He turned into a drug addict and dealer. I wing to talk him into getting clean and out of that lifestyle. He would not listen . I think he was shooting up when I was talking to him. I tried telling him he was either going to get killed by a gang or from an overdose. But my efforts were in vain.

In another dream I was supporting my family by buying groceries. I did the shopping and went to this one weird store. There were no employees and they stocked only precooked meals. I spent a lot of money there and I remember buying a frozen turkey already cooked. I paid for everything at the self checkout line. I got home and unloaded the stuff into the freezer. We had enough food for a month.

11:57a.m. I made it to the Fiesta for lunch. I don’t know what I’m having. Just about anything is ok so long as it is not ham and pinto beans. I hate that shit. 

I talk with Chocolatechip. She is still working hard for inspection. Chocolatechip did a load of laundry this morning. Then she did the regular household chores. I think she said shel cleaned the ceiling fans again. Then she went over the baseboard. She said she is basically ready except for the bathroom. She will work on that this weekend. 

We were talking about the upcoming visit on May 30. It is a week away. I said I can’t wait to see you. It has been awhile since her last visit. I think it was sometime last March. Anyway she is coming in the morning and will stay for lunch.  I hope they are not having ham and pinto beans that day.     

1:31p.m. I ate all my lunch They served chicken & cheese, quesadilla, cilantro rice, fiesta corn and jello. The coffee was nice to and hot. Best part was I didn’t get sick. I mad my way back to my room is after I ate. I called Chocolatechip. We talked for a long time. We had a nice talk until she wanted to get something to eat. 

Oh the day in the life of a nursing home resident! I get so bored it drives me crazy. They do provide some things to do. For example, this is movie day.  But I’m not interested in most of their activities. I would rather be reading, watching CNN or listening to music. These are a few of my favorite things. 

Speaking of reading I intend to indulge today. I’ve been making slow progress in To the Gates of Richmond by Stephen W Sears. I’m still on Chapter 6 which is a out the battle of Seven Pines. I hope to get that finished today.

4:04p.m. I started to read but I got sleepy. I don’t know how long I slept. An aide woke me up. She was going to put me in bed. I said I wanted to stay up after supper. Then Chocolatechip called. She had been outside for  smoke. I was kind of groggy so I just listened. We talked for about a half hour then she wanted to watch a movie.

I swear I think I sleep better in my wheelchair. I don’t have crazy dreams in my chair. Chocolatechip said I am probably catching up on my sleep. I didn’t sleep very well in that room. I said I just don’t you sleep well at night because of nightmares. In any case I’m going to give that book another try now I’m awake.

6:28p.m. They served Sicilian beef, scalloped potatoes,green beans a dinner roll and pears for dessert. Supper was good. I ate it all and didn’t get sick. I talked with Chocolatechip after I ate. She talked about a doctor’s appointment tomorrow morning. After that she said she will go to Krogers for a few groceries. We had a nice conversation for a half hour. Then she wanted to get ready for bed.

I managed to finish Chapter 6 in To the Gates of Richmond by Stephen W Sears . I hope I can read one more chapter tonight. But I’m soaked and it’s hard to concentrate while drenched in urine. Still, I will give it a go.

8:03p.m. I’m cleaned up and in bed. I didn’t have to wait long at all. It was seems that I’ve been getting a lot better care. I do not have to wait very long for the aides to change me. They have also been a lot nicer. Maybe my many complaints have finially paid off. All I know is there has been a big improvement in my care.

I’ve been reading my book To the Gates of Richmond . i started Chapter 7. This chapter is about Robert E Lee taking command of the Army of Northern Virginia. During the battle of Seven Pines Joseph E Johnston was badly wounded. Johnston lost his arm. Command then fell to G.W Smith. But Smith did not impress Jefferson Davis. So Davis chose his military advisor Robert E Lee.

I was reading how Lee immediately reorganized his army. He also got reinforcements to replace losses. Then he set about to plan how to destroy George McClellan’s Army of the Potomac and end the war. The author goes to great length in describing these elaborate plans.




























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May 23, 2024

I’m so happy Chocolatechip is going to visit you.  I bet you can’t wait!

May 23, 2024

@wildrose_2 Thanks. You right I can’t wait to see her

May 23, 2024

fascinating, really. Thank you so much for sharing your perspective of your life.

I have fears about not being able to take care of myself physically. How long have you been in a wheelchair for?

May 24, 2024

@novilight Thanks Four years because of arthritis