Thursday 4/18/24

1:25p.m. I can’t believe I slept in my wheelchair almost all morning. The aides got me out of bed at nine. I just fell asleep when they left. Right now I feel like I have been drugged or something. I just had my lunch drinks. I had a cold cup of coffee. It was better than nothing. I am hoping lunch will wake me up so I can read my book.   

I have today’s menu. I’m having shrimp Alfredo, broccoli and cookies for lunch. For dinner I’m having beef lasagna, tossed salad and pears. Both are good meals.    

I did talk with Chocolateschip a few times. She is having good day. She will do some cooking today. Chocolatechip plans on making cabbage and onions. She is a wonderful cook. I bet that will turn out great. 

3:29p.m. Lunch did not agree with me. I got very bloated and was in a lot of pain. Belly pain was a 5 on a 1-10 scale. I had some Mylanta after lunch but that didn’t help. Fortunately, I slept in my wheelchair until they put me in bed. I felt like shit most of the day. 

4:21p.m. I’m feeling better.  At least the stomach pain died down. But I still feel so very tired after sleeping almost all day. I feel like I got run over by a truck. I also felt very, very depressed all day. I didn’t feel like doing anything. I think I just crashed today.   

6:17p.m. Supper went down ok. I ate the lasagna and it didn’t make me sick. Even the coffee was hot. I feel a lot better after a good meal. Then, after I ate, someone was doing a survey about the facility. She asked me several questions about my care, the nursing staff, food quality and if my needs are being met. 

I answered truthfully. I said the nursing staff is excellent. I said the care leaves a lot to be desired. I told them how the aides left me in my wheelchair for thirteen hours one day. I said the food is ok most of the time. But I told her everytime I eat I get pain in my belly. She said I need to tell the nurse.

I talked with Chocolatechip after she finished. She was going on about women bitching in the hall. I said they are probably just bitching. She replied I don’t care if they are talking about me.Good, I said because they are not worth the sweat off your skin. Then she went on about going to Walmart for groceries tomorrow. I said it would do you good to get out of the building for awhile. Besides, she is running low on food. We had a nice talk untill she signed off for the night.  

I hope to salvage what’s left of the day by reading my book We’ve Got Issues by Phil McGraw, Ph.D  I was just too sick and depressed to read . Besides I don’t want to lose my reading streak. I have four more days to go to beat my previous all time record of 85 straight days. 

This was a very bad day. I hope tomorrow will be better. Life is still good.     

8:57p.m. I read several chapters in We’ve Got Issues.So the day wasn’t completely wasted. 






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April 18, 2024

Hey Bear… tomorrow is another day dear. 🙂