Thursday 2/8/24

5:32a.m. I had a terrible night thanks to nightmares.. In one dream 7 I cheated on Chocolatechip with another woman in Misery Towers. I was a total shit in this dream.Even my mother was yelling at me .Then in another dream I was dreaming about my childhood home. There was a horse running through the living room. Then s German shepherd attack dog broke in the front door. My parents were on the stairs. The dog was ready to attack at my mother. We were then rescued by a squad of Marines. 

I also had terrible arthritis pain in my left leg. It was a five on a one to ten scale. I kept waking up because of the pain. Then I didn’t get very good care. I was laying in urine and feces most of the night. Aides finially came to get me in my wheelchair by five o’clock

10:34a.m. I’m having a good day so far. I had Fre to!nch toast for breakfast. It was delicious and I didn’t get sick. I read my NIV Study Bible for about an hour. I finished reading 1 Samuel. Then I went to the Fiesta Room for the Coffee Social. I had two cups while drueling over books. I saw a few books I just got to have and wished I had a $50 Amazon gift card

It was cold down there so I made my way back to my room. I called Chocolatechip.She just got back from the bank and post office. She mailed a money order for her  monthly Comcast bill. Chocolatechip was talking about going out again today to Dollar General. Then she went over her budget for February. It is looking good she said. We talked for a few a few minutes about other things as well.   

11:49a.m. A miracle of miracles just happened. I had a major incontinent episode. IisI was soaked. I rang the call light. I got help almost instantly. The aides came in got me in bed, changed my briefs, dressed me in clean pants and got me in my wheelchair.They did a great job and were very friendly. It should be like this every day! l l

They will be serving lunch soon. Today I’m having tacos. I like Mexican food. Heck, I like just about all kinds of food. I cannot wait to eat.    

5:12p.m. I read two chapters from Midnight in Washington this afternoon. I also talked with Chocolatechip. I was put in bed and changed around four. Again I didn’t have long to wait. The aides came as soon as I rang the call light This turned out to be a very good day because I received great personal care.

They will be serving dinner soon. I’m having glazed ham steak. I love ham and it usually agrees with me. But I don’t know if I’ll be eating supper. I do not want to get sick or bloated. Besides I had two big meals already so I’m not very hungry. In addition to the meals I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.    

This was a good day today. I received good care. I was not in too much pain. I did a lot of reading in my NIV Study Bible and Midnight in Washington I will have three square meals. I had plenty of coffee and I talked with Chocolatechip a lot. I was truly blessed.









































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February 8, 2024

Bear, as I always say, these are amazing dreams. Someone should make a short video about each one – they’re so vivid and unusual.

February 8, 2024

@ravdiablo If I could only write id write a horror novel and be the next Stephen King