Thursday 2/22/24

4:38a.m. I’m above the dirt and in my wheelchair. The aides woke me up from the weirdest of dreams. I was in Wheeling looking for work. I was in this one building applying for a job. I ended up seeing a crime go down. I was using the restroom. I saw this guy push bags down the toilet. I thought the bags were full of money.  He said something about meeting somebody for coffee. This person wasn’t too pleased with him. He was afraid he was going to get killed.

I wanted to report this suspicious activity. But I didn’t know whom I could trust. The next thing I knew was in this office. I was talking with some other man.  I don’t remember what I said to him. After talking to him I suddenly realized I had to get out of Wheeling.

Then I was in this junk car. The steering wheel wouldn’t work. I was driving in the wrong lane trying to make a left hand turn. There was a dog sitting on my lap blocking my view. Then I was going up this steep hill. I ended up driving on a road back to Follansbee. But I was blocked by road construction. This was when the aide woke me up for the day.

I received good care. I got a nice sponge bath. They changed my briefs and got me in my wheelchair by 4:30. I called Chocolatechip. She wasn’t too happy with me calling so early. She said she will call me later.

1:02p.m.  I’m having a great day in the nursing home . I got two good meals so far. For breakfast I had biscuits and gravy with oatmeal cereal. Then for lunch I had two chicken tacos, fiesta corn and peaches. I had plenty of coffees, one cup for breakfast and lunch then two at the Coffee Social. I also did a lot of reading in my book The Reckoning by Mary L Trump,  Ph.D.

This woman is the neice of Donald Trump. I don’t like Trump myself but I think she has a very sharp ax to grind against her uncle.  According to this author not only is Trump the worst we ever had he is also a monster committing every crime in the book short of murder while President. I read the first five chapters and she makes some very good points to support her position. His presidency not only traumatized our nation but the entire free world.

I also talked with Chocolatechip when I got back from the Social. Somebody messed with her message board during the night. We were going on about how children will play their childish games. I said I thought someone would mess with it. Anyways she took it down before someone left her some foul messages.

Chocolatechip also talked about a video conference she had with Rachel. Rachel is her psych doctor from CMP. She said that went well. The doc likes to keep her on the least amount of meds as possible.  I said that is a good thing. I asked if there were any changes. She said no.  I said you must be doing great then. I’m happy for her. We talked about this and other things then she wanted to fix something to eat. I went back to my book and read until lunch.

I have some good news to report.  I stopped by the business office on my way back from the coffee social. The lady said my debt to the nursing home is down to $91.! Yippie! I can get that sucker paid off in two months. She  also said they will pay me in Amazon gift cards, $50 a month. I will be able to buy books again.  This is good news and I already have books lined up to buy.

I love books! I have 126 ebooks some books on my Kindle. I haven’t read them all but I’m working on it. I read 30 so far. I plan on reading every one of them before I go. Still, I want more books. I can’t get enough books. I’m obsessed with books.

6:26p.m. I finished another chapter in The Reckoning by Mary L Trump.  I’m almost finished with it. I have fifty some pages left. I’d like to read one more chapters tonight.  Then I can finish it tomorrow. Next up is another book on Trump, Peril by Bob Woodward and Bert Costa

I also chatted with Chocolatechip on Messenger. Our last chat session left me worried about her. She began by saying she is living in fear. Chocolatechip talked about one of her neighbors. This new guy has mental health issues and smokes a lot of pot.He screams out cus words especially when she leaves her apartment. I said you shouldn’t have to put up with that shit. I would talk to George about it. Chocolatechip said it isn’t at that point yet. I asked if he threatened her in any way. She said no but he gives her a few looks. I then said under  no circumstances leave your apartment at night. There are too many nut cases living in Misery Towers anymore. She said she felt somewhat better talking to me. But I still worry about her living in that hellhole.

I had a good supper. They served spaghetti with meat sauce, a dinner roll, tossed salad and a chocolate cake. It was delicious. I ate it while in bed. This time I didn’t spill anything. The only thing I didn’t like was the cold coffee.

I’m afraid I didn’t do any Bible reading today. I got caught up in reading about Trump. I despise the man but am fascinated with him at the same time. I’ve read a several books on Trump. None of the author’s I read had nothing good to say about him as president. To me he is the closest thing to a dictator this country ever had And he came far too close I. Overturning the 2020 election. I keep thinking God help us if he gets in again.

I had a good day today. I wasn’t in pain. The aides were attentive and I wasn’t sitting in filth half the day. I had a good time at the coffee social. I had three good meals. I also talked with Chocolatechip a lot and I did a lot of reading. I got some good news from the nursing home. I only owe $91. That made my day!   Life is good.

8:43p.m. I read another chapter in The Reckoning by Mary L Trump. The chapter I read was Chapter 6 We Hold These Truths. From what I think I learned so far from this book was that Donald Trump’s presidency was  the culmination of a long history of a theory of white supremacy. She gives a brief survey of American history. According to Mary Trump it was not pretty if you were poor, Black or anything but a White Anglo male and non Catholic. Trump reached out to people who still believed in White male supremacy. He appealed to the dark nature of the American psyche.

I am not sure I buy into what everything Mary Trump is saying This country sure had it’s faults and committed great sins. But I like to think we stand for the goodness on humanity I still believe that we are still the best hope that people can truly live in a free country that we are indeed a beacon on a hill.

I still enjoyed reading this author. Dr Trump definitely had a different take on American history. I learned things from her I didn’t know before. But I don’t know if I will give this book a five star rating. For one thing I think the author has a personal grudge against her uncle Therefore she constructs the facts to. support her opinion. Still i think The Reckoning is worth reading.



























































































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February 22, 2024

Your dreams are the best: I’m sorry if they’re disturbing you, but they’re really interesting and entertaining to me.

February 22, 2024

@ravdiablo  I’m glad you are enjoying them. I wish I could be a writer. I’d be the next Stephen King