Thursday 2/15/24

9:14a.m. I had a fairly good night except for the usual weird dreams. I had this one dream where I joined an outlaw gang in the old west. I convinced to the gang to follow me to Mexico. We had an old Gatling gun we could use to terrorize the townspeople into submission. So off we went to this Mexican town. I remember once we got there we had a big shoot out. We were firing the Gatling gun and destroying buildings and killing a lot of people. I don’t know what happened next because the aides woke me up.    

I received good care last night. The aide I had was very friendly. She came in at least three times to change my briefs. I got a nice sponge bath the last time. Then she came in to get me up around 4:30. I was changed again, dressed and they got me in my wheelchair by 5:00. After I was in my wheelchair I went to the nurse’s station and called Chocolatechip.

Chocolatechip made arrangements with her case manager to go grocery shopping. So she gets up very early to get ready. We talked briefly. She went on about running into this one dirt bag named Keith. Keith and his wife Carol live in a bug infested apartment. Keith purposely put his arm around Chocolatechip. Chocolatechip is terrified about getting bed bugs again so she practices social distancing. Anyway she said she documented the incident and reported it to the office. Then we set up a chat date at 5:30.        

I was half asleep and wasn’t responding too well. But when we were chatting Chocolatechip had some good news. She has a zero balance with Comcast. They got the money order for the monthly bill. As for SCI she is waiting on the state AG to call. We think that scam school doesn’t have a leg to stand on. Still I hope she gets legal council advice on this matter.

We set up another chat date at 7:00. I fell asleep in my wheelchair sleeping until they served breakfast drinks. The coffee was nice and hot. I soon had a good breakfast of scrambled eggs, a cinnamon roll and oatmeal. I chatted for awhile with Chocolatechip then she had to get ready for her outing.

I started to read my book Landslide: The Final Days of the Trump Presidency by Michael Wolff. I finished the first chapter. I read for an hour then it was time for the Coffee Social. So I made my way to the Fiesta Room. I had another cup of hot coffee. I feel pretty good now. I think I’ll stay here for lunch.     

3:36p.m. I ended up eating lunch in my room. I had an Italian sub sandwich, coleslaw and cookies. It was pretty good. I been spending d the afternoon reading my book Landslide: The Final Days of the Trump Presidency by Michael Wolff. I finished the first two interesting chapters. 

I also chatted with Chocolatechip. She is waiting on a phone call from the AG office. Chocolatechip doesn’t want anymore contact with SCI. She doesn’t trust them and they change their story too many times. I said I would like to hear what they h ave to say. She also told me that the steel mill in Weirton is shutting down for good.  Six hundred jobs will be lost. I was speechless at first but then I said it was bound to happen sooner or later.

“The Mill”, formerly Weirton Steel, was the place to work for when I was a kid. You were set for life if you landed a job there. Way back in the 70s it employed 15,000 souls and was the life of Weirton. I said to Chocolatechip Weirton will definitely end up being a ghost town. It’s a sad commentary on today’s economy. We talked about this for awhile then set a time for our next chat session, at 4:00.

6:14p.m. I had beef lasagna for dinner. It was pretty good. I chatted with Chocolatechip after I ate. The tin mill in Weirton employed 1,000. They will lose their jobs when it shuts down. She heard this on Channel 9 news. We also talked about me still not having a phone. We both think the nursing home is screwing with me. It will be a week since the phone died. I said I’m going to demand to speak with a social worker tomorrow. We talked for a little bit then she went to bed.

. Yes I’m pissed about the phone. I’m beginning to think not going to get one from Clear Captions. I can’t understand why the nursing home can’t provide a phone. I had one when I first came here. I hope to talk to someone, anyone who can give me an answer . Number one would be the social worker. If that doesn’t work then activities. Surely someone in this place should answer my questions.
















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February 15, 2024

I’m so sorry about the phone, but I would like to bid on the movie rights to your life: a man sleeping in his bed finds himself riding with an outlaw gang in his pajamas…..