Thursday 12/14/23

9:51a.m. This is the definitely not a good day. Arthritis is killing me. It hurts like hell in my left leg and shoulders. I’ve been getting very painful muscle spasms as well. They got me up around five today. Arthritis kicked in right away. I tried to sleep in my wheelchair but couldn’t To make matters worse my morning coffee was so cold I could not drink it. The only good part of my day so far was breakfast. Ok had a sweet roll, scrambled eggs and breakfast.

I fell asleep after breakfast. I almost missed the coffee social But I woke up in time. I made my way to the Fiesta Room without oxygen. I am drinking my first cup of the day. Way I feel I could use a whole pot. 

At least I’m above the dirt.  Sometimes I wonder if I would be better off six feet under. I mean I get so friggin tired of dealing with constant pain. I do not know how much more I can take. Fortunately, I am going to the pain center in Steubenville on December 21. I hope to God I can get some relief. 

1:26p.m. I had my coffee at the social and left. I just didn’t fell like being down there. I started my Bible lessons when I got back to my room. I studied for onet an hour reading seven chapters in Exodus taking a break for lunch Lunch was ok. I had biscuits with gravy, cottage cheese tater tots and a banana. I talked with Chocolatechip after I ate them read a few more pages in my Bible. 

I’m feeling better. I had two coffees plus a good lunch. I think both helped with the pain. On a scale of 1-10 the I’d rate the pain s 3. I’m still achy but better than I was this morning.  Thank God!

Chococolatechip is feeling pretty good today. She did her usual housework chores plus a load of laundry. Then she made a cheese ball for the Bible Study party tomorrow. After that she felt like baking Christmas cookies  but decided against that idea. Chocolatechip said she plans on doing her holiday baking on the weekend. I said it looks like you did enough for today.

We also talked a bit about the caregiver situation. We both agree she can get along without one. She cleans every morning and her apartment is immaculate I always said these caregivers cause more trouble than they are worth. Chocolatechip said the last caregiver didn’t do a damned thin but sit at her table and gabbed. The type of the iceberg came when Chocolatechip found out she was a crack head. After this last experience Chococolatechip is through with caregivers. 

Well eleven more days until Christmas  I said to Chocolatechip I’ll be getting any presents from the nursing home. She said there is still time. I said I think I already got mine by this time last year. Also I do not expect a gift card from Amazon from the nursing home. Chocolatechip said I’m always looking at the glass half empty It is still early.

6:21p.m. I chilled out the rest of the afternoon. I was put in bed at 3:30. I spent ten hours sitting on the Hoyer pad. This was the first time I got changed since five this morning. I talked to Chocolatechip after I got settled in bed. We talked for an hour. Then they served dinner drinks. Fot supper I had a big plate of lasagna with garlic bread and pear crisp for dessert. Supper was delicious.

I have been focusing on reading the Bible. No matter how hard I try I cannot read more than one book at a time. Therefore, I’ve been neglecting Song of Susanna. This bugs the heck out of me because I still want to get through the Dark Tower saga. I’m going to read this book tonight.  I hope I can at least get a couple hours reading before falling asleep.

8:25p.m. I’ve been reading Song of Susanna by Stephen King for the last two hours. I hope to get at least another hour in before I fall asleep. It really is a very good book. I’m just taking a break from it. I’m feeling pretty good right now with no arthritis pain. I hope to have a good night after I finish my reading I have one more hour to go






















































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December 14, 2023

I’ll be you’re counting the days to the doctor’s appointment. Both my aunt and my grandmother suffered from arthritis: it is terrible. There must be better meds to treat you, right?

December 14, 2023

@ravdiablo Yes I’m counting the days away. All I get is Tylenol and it doesn’t help.

December 16, 2023

@bear70 I don’t know what meds are good for arthritis – I remember I had to take massive doses of ibuprofen to get through my bout many years back.