Thursday 11/16/23

9:21a.m. I had a fairly decent night for a change I slept well with no weird dreams. I received good care from the aides. They came into change  my briefs twice Then the aides got me out of bed and into my wheelchair by four.I was still tired so I slept in my chair until they served orange juice and coffee.

The coffee perked me up but breakfast did the trick.i had French toast and a banana. Then I read my book Wind Through the Keyhole by Stephen King. I read for an hour then Chococolatechip called 

Chococolatechip talked about doing a load of laundry. I was glad to hear she woke up in a very good mood. She talked about her outing to Krogers yesterday. She said she had plenty of food and everything she needs plus  money left over. That is a good feeling I saw. I also said I’m in a good.mood myself. We had a nice talk for about a half hour. Then I said I wanted to go to the Coffee Social.

I made it to the social. I got a donut with my coffee today . I’m on my first cup now. I hope I can get at ?east one more cup before I go. 

11:48a.m. I had a good time at the Coffee Social. I stayed for an hour reading and drinking coffee. I had two cups today. I made my way back to. room after I finished my second cup. I continued to read my book. Then Chococolatechip called. We had a nice conversation for about thirty minutes. Then she wanted to fix something for lunch. 

Lunch is kind of cheesy today. They are serving corn chowder, egg salad sandwiches, Rotini pasta salad and vanilla ice cream. I’m not to crazy about egg salad but I’ll give it a shot. Dinner is more substantial. I’m getting roasted chicken, glazed carrots, scalloped potatoes and a dinner roll. This is right up my alley

I had a good morning. Aches and pains were minor. I had one incontinence episode at the social. I was able to concentrate on my book I also talked with Chococolatechip a lot. I only hope the rest of the day will be just as good.

7:05p.m. I crashed after lunch. I think I slept for an hour or so. I wanted to get changed and back in bed when I woke up. I had to wait for and sit in my own filth until 4:00 when then aides came to put me to bed. It was a good thing they came because I was about to have a meltdown. Other than that I had a day.

I talked with Chococolatechip a lot before supper. Eddie the Moocher came around. This was the first time he bothered her in a long time. He brought something up for her to cook and she obliged. She also helped the lady from the bread basket deliver food. Chococolatechip always does good when she is helping people. So she had a productive afternoon she said. We talked for a long time then they served supper.

Supper was delicious. I ate it all and didn’t get sick or bloated.Once again in called Chocolatschip. We talked briefly. We talked about how Wheeling is having their Fantasy in Lights parade. Weirton is also having their parade Saturday. It starts around one . Then we talked about a visit. Chococolatechip would like to see me on December 11 I will be looking forward to that date. We talked until she was ready for bed.

I read my book Wind Through the Keyhole by Stephen King. I did a lot of reading today. I read about sixty pages. This was  short book in the Dark Tower series. I should finish it in two more days. Next up is Wolves of the Calla. I hope to finish these novels by the end of the month I have three more books to go. 

In a lot of ways I’m pretty lucky. 

  1. I have a roof over my head.
  2. I have three meals a day
  3. I have phone, Internet and cable
  4. I have a good insurance policy that pays for almost everything.
  5. Above everything else I have a wonderful girlfriend in Chococolatechip.
  6. I have plenty of books to read. My
  7. My needs are met and all I have to do is sit on my butt and read?

Keep focusing on the good things. I have to remind myself of that

9:07p.m. I have been reading all night. I got lost in The Wind Through the Keyhole. I have two more chapters . I can finish this book tomorrow. But I’m still wide awake. I can get most of this done tonight. I will be stay up late or at least untill the battery runs out



Oof day.




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November 16, 2023

Why do they wake you in the middle of the night? 4 am is “prime time” for sleeping, isn’t it?

November 16, 2023

@ravdiablo  Good question

November 16, 2023

@bear70 Only way to get a “solid 8” is to go to bed at 8 pm. Is that your regular bedtime?

November 16, 2023

@ravdiablo 9 sometimes 10

November 16, 2023

@bear70 Ah, so a “solid 7” – too bad they can’t give you an extra hour in bed. Must be hard getting up so early.