Thursday 1/4/24

5:33a.m. I had a terrible night thanks to nightmares. I had this one dream where I was raped in prison.I was trying to fight off my attacker.i ended up spilling water all over my table . I woke up screaming “Help, Help.” Then I had a dream about my estranged daughter. My parents put her on some anti psychotic meds without  my permission.i was terrified I of the possible side affects. I got in a shouting match with them . Then I got in a fist fight with my father. I woke up screaming from that one as well.

I didn’t get very good care either. I think I was changed once. So I was lying in urine and feces for a long time. The aides finally got me up at 5:30. After they dressed me and got me in my wheelchair I promptly peed myself.  I’m off to a great start today.

7:48a.m. I fell asleep in my wheelchair. I slept for about an hour. I called Chocolatechip She was in good spirits. We didn’t talk too long but still had a nice conversation. Then they served breakfast.  I had a cinnamon roll and scrambled eggs.  The coffee and orange juice hit the spot. I am now amongst the land of the living.

Lynn from physical therapy stopped by. I apologized for yesterday. I said things were  crazy  . We all have those days she said. We agreed to continue our sessions after lunch. I promised I’d be in my chair and ready to go. 

I hope to heck today will be better. It is starting off better. I’m not experiencing arthritis pain. I had a good breakfast. I feel more with it. I hope to God I continue to have a good day

9:43a.m. I made it to the Fiesta Room for the Coffee Social. I’m on my first cup.  It is very cold here but the coffee will warm me up. I hope to get a second cup. Despite it being cold I’d like to stay here for lunch. Chocolatechip 

I chatted with Chocolatechip on Messenger. She was doing laundry. Chocolatechip said she ran into two of the maintenance crew, Ed and Roger. They didn’t look very happy she said. The water was shut off. I said they might be unclogging toilets.In any case they don’t have the most pleasant of jobs.

She also said five city cops were on the eight floor. There was this Tennant who yelled foul language at people. He had some serious mental health issues. There were a lot of complaints against him. The cops just took him out in handcuffs. I said good for them.

Well it looks like I’ll only get one coffee this morning. They are doing exercises. Two is enough for now. I’m feeling pretty good thanks to the caffeine. I’m going to try and read my book The Dark Tower by Stephen King.

12:48p.m. I stayed in the Fiesta Room almost all morning. I had a good time reading my book The Dark Tower by Stephen King. I had two Italian subs for lunch, a bowl of potato salad and two cookies. Lunch was delicious and I ate everything. I wheeled myself back to my room after I ate. I will continue to read my book until it’s time for physical therapy Life is good. 

2:33p.m. I’m back from physical therapy. I had a good workout. They tried a different pad on me. So I might not have to sit on the old hoyer pad much longer. I did all my arm exercises and they were pleased. PT lasted for an hour.

Right now I’m hurting. I’m sitting on the old hoyer pad. It hurts like hell. Also had a BM and desperately need changed. I’m getting mad and am about to have a major meltdown because I can’t get help. I’ve been sitting in feces and urine since I got back from PT. What really pissed me off in is when the aides turn off the call light and walk on by. 

4:12p.m. The aide finially put me to bed at 4:00. I’ve been sitting on that damned hoyer pad for over ten hours. It sure feels good to be in bed! Now I can concentrate on The Dark Tower by Stephen King.

5:58p.m. I read my book until supper. I had beef lasagna and garlic bread. It was delicious. I called Chocolatechip after I ate but no answer. She is probably getting ready for bed. I left a message . I hope we talk a little bit tonight. I get so friggin lonesome at night.

I hope to read The Dark Tower for one more hour. I’m on an interesting chapter. After that I hope to do my nightly Bible reading. I finished Numbers last night. Tonight I start on Deuteronomy. But mostly I hope to talk to Chocolatechip one more time. 

7:03p.m. I read The Dark Tower finishing two chapters. I’m glad I am sticking with the story. It is very good Chocolatechip says reading King gives me nightmares. But I’ve had terrible dreams all my life. At one point I think I was diagnosed with night terrors. Perhaps because of my dreams I’m attracted to writers like Stephen King. I Don’t know.

I have not heard from Chocolatechip. I look forward to our talked before we go tok bed. I’ll miss her tonight. Chocolatechip said today that I have more social interaction than she does. This is not the case. I don’t talk with other residents. I talk with the staff but they hardly speak back. Chocolatechip is the only real friend I have. I get so friggin lonesome in this place I can hardly stand it. Loneliness his me hard at night before I fall asleep. That’s why our evening talks are so important to me.

Well, its time for my Bible hour




































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January 4, 2024

Good day, Bear! Make the most of it!