Thursday 1/25/24

2:14a.m. I’m a little bit pissed. An aide was just in to change my briefs. She did a good job. But she accidentally pulled the plug off the phone. She also did not pull the bedside table within reach. I also can’tl reach the call light or the bed  control. I screamed for help. She got the table but not the call light  or bed control. So I’m without a phone, call light or bed control.    

 6:03a.m. My day isn’t off to a good start. The aide I had was very rough. Then she wouldn’t fix my phone. She said she didn’t know how. I wanted to speak to the nurse. The nurse didn’t know how. All I wanted was for them to pick the phone off the floor and plug it in. It wasn’t like solving a high Algebra equation. I do not know about these aides sometimes.   

I finially got my phone fixed after they got me in my wheelchair. An older lady did it. I called Chocolatechip. Talking with her calmed me. We talked for a few minutes then she had to take morning meds. 

7:28a.m. I just had a breakfast of scrambled eggs, a sweet roll and a bow of oatmeal. I ate it all. I’m feeling  better after the trouble ove the aide. At least I’m above the dirt. That is the bottom line. I’m not letting this incident ruin my day.     

1:58p.m. I couldn’t stay awake this morning. I fell asleep after breakfast. I slept until it was time for the Coffee Social. I made my way to the Fiesta Room  by 9:30. I read for a little bit and had one cup of coffee. I was still tired so I left after one coffee. I fell asleep for a while once I got to my room.

Chocolatechip called and woke me up We talked about different subjects. She got an email from Q Link, her cell phone provider. Her service for her cell is changing in March. In March she will have to pay for unlimited minutes. I’m think she said it will cost $20.75. Chocolatechip worked out a budget and it is doable. We talked about that for a few minutes then she had to fold laundry.

I fell asleep again. I slept until lunch. I had two big Italian sub sandwiches, coleslaw, a salad and two sugar cookies. I ate everything but the salad. I got bloated so I went to the nurse’s station for some Mylanta. That helped but I still have that stuffed feeling.  I don’t think I’ll  eating supper tonight.

I talked with Chocolatechip after I ate She went outside for awhile. It didn’t go very well. There were several people out there who ignore her. This left a bad taste in her mouth. She had a smoke and went back to her room. I said those people are rude, ignorant and not worth the swear off your skin. We talked about that then the aides came to put me in bed.   

I’m glad I’m in bed. I was soaked and have been sitting on the hoyer pad for almost nine hours. But I had another great stupid aide. She took my water pitcher and put it by the sink. Also, the call light and bed control are not within reach. So I’m without water and can’t get any help. I swear I think these kids do not know their ass from a hole in the ground. 

7:07p.m. I had beef lasagna for supper. It was delicious. I did a lot of reading before and after supper. At the rate I’m going I’ll be finished with The Firm by Saturday. Next up is another John Grisham novel The Exchange: After the Firm.   

I was sort of obsessed with my bo



































































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January 25, 2024

Good for you for hitting a “reset” on the day. I hope the rest of it improves.