Thursday 1/11/24

10:02a.m. I conked out early last nigh. I got very sick from dinner and very tired. So I didn’t read Stephen King. I ended up not having a good night. I laid in urine and feces for a long time. Then I had some very weird dreams . I ended up waking up early around 3:00. I couldn’t get back to sleep. I laid in bed until the aides got me up at 5:00     

I called Chocolatechip. She had to get up early. Chocolatechip has a a meeting with thel Housing Authority. Then she plans on taking the bus downtown. She wants to go to the bank and post office. It’s going to be cold outside so she doesn’t want to be out too long.

She also talked about the bed bug situation. She didn’t see any last night. Chocolatechip said she hasn’t seen any since she stopped answering her door. We agreed they were coming from Eddie the Mooch. He knocked twice yesterday but she didn’t answer. I said good. I bet he isn’t going hungry.

After we talked I fell asleep asleep. Sometimes I sleep better in my wheelchair than in bed. I slept until they served breakfast. I ate biscuits with gravy then oatmeal. Lynn from PT came. I had a good hour long workout. My shoulders ached afterwards but it was worth the effort. She took me to the Fiesta Room for coffee when we were finished.

I’m on my second cup now. I’m slowly coming to life. I still feel very tired after a good breakfast, workout and coffee. I’d love to be put back in bed and sleep all day long. But it isn’t going to happen. I got books to read. I must tackle that stupid Dark Tower book.

1:06p.m. Lunch finially woke me up. I’m not sure what I ate. It was some kind of Mexican dish, chicken quesadillas or something like that. It tasted pretty good. I also had potato salad, fiesta corn and Mandarin oranges. Lunch was delicious . I ate everything in sight. 

Chocolatechip called. She stopped at Aldi’s instead of Walmart she bought a blanket and groceries. She called while waiting for the bus home. She was in good spirits. Chocolatechip said it wasn’t too bad out. She was glad she got out today because the weather is going to turn bad. 

The hoyer pad is hurting my butt today. I’m ready to be put back bed. I had an episode during lunch and I’m soaked. As usual I can’t get help because the aides are taking care of trays. I’ll probably be in my chair for another two hours. The personal care here sucks. Other than that it isn’t so bad.

3:09p.m.  The aide finially came at 2:30. She did a good job. She put me in bed, cleaned me up and changed my briefs. I had to ring the call light a couple of times but it only took an hour to get help. She came in the nick of time. It was starting to hurt bad down below.

Chocolatechip called. She told me all about the meeting. First the Housing Authority Is putting in all new windows . This is going to be and eight hour job. You must be out of your apartment during that time. I said you can spend the day in the library. Then she said George, head of the Housing Authority, will be retiring soon  George has been there since 1969. Misery Towers will not be the same.

Chocolatechip talked about her trip to Aldie’s. She bought $30( in groceries and a blanket for $8.99. she still has enough money on her food  budget. Next on the list is a new keyboard. But that will have to wait until next month.

4:57p.m. I finially got around to  reading Dark Tower. I’m on a very long chapter. I’d like to finish that tonight then I do my Bible study. I didn’t read either yesterday. I wasn’t feeling well. But I’m loaded up on caffeine today. I should be able to read tonight. I want to stay up and do both. 

They will be serving drinks soon. I look forward to the juice  and coffee with my meals. I drink way too much coffee. But I need that shit to keep me going. I drink four to five cups daily. I can’t wait for my coffee tonight. I’m getting a bit drowsy and I need the caffeine to keep me going.

I’m having a good supper tonight. If I remember right they are serving spaghetti with meat sauce. I love Italian food. I cannot wait for coffee and dinner

8:17p.m. I did a lot of reading after supper. I finished that chapter in the Dark Tower.I read three chapters in Joshua. I want to read more but the battery is conking out. I’m about conked out as well.I didn’t read the Bible for an hour. But at least I read three chapters. I hope that counts for something.












































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