Sunday 9/3/23

5:13m I had a typical shitty night because of no care.i called the front office twice.  Finally, aides came around ten. They were not  too happy with me but they did their job. I slept fairly well after they changed me. But I did have some weird dreams. Still I slept until the aides got me in The wheelchair. 

I did a lot of reading in my book America’s Unwritten Constitution The Precidents and Principles We Live By. I finished chapter 11 and made a good dent in 12. It looks like I can finish that book in time for Stephen King on Tuesday. 

8:20a.m.  I talked with Chococolatechip for a awhile. She was in good spirits. We talked about different things  for about an hour. Then I went to the nurse’s station pleading for coffee and oj. They obliged. Coffee didn’t help much because I fell asleep in my wheelchair until breakfast. I had bacon and cold scrambled eggs. But I ate them without complaint. 

I’m finally awake and above the dirt.  I only hope today will be better than yesterday. I feel better. I’m not in too much pain. How my overall mood will be largely depends on the care I get today.  I think it will be much better. One of the nicer aides just took my breakfast tray. 

I hope I can stay awake and finish my book. I have fifty some pages to go . If I start I now I can get her done. But I’m going to miss reading Akhil Read Amar. I’ve been reading him all summer. I love this author because he sure was a challenge America’s Unwritten Constitution is the sixth book of his I read. Ik will miss reading him. But there are more great books on the horizon.

First there is Holly by Stephen King.  Two more days and it will be available. I can’t wait for this to come out. Then there is Decision in Philadelphia: The Constitutional Convention of 1787 by Christopher Collier and James Lincoln Collier.  This book sounds familiar and I think I read it years ago. But it is worthless a second read. 

Then I was talking with Chococolatechip this morning. She said she might be able to afford another $25 Amazon gift card. I said I don’t want you to do without. She said it depends on how expenses play out. I would like one and I’d never turn one down. But her money is tight and I don’t want her to do without. If she does I will buy two more books by John Grisham, The Firm and Th Exchange:Aftet the Firm.  There is no such thing as too many books.

11:32a.m. I’ve been reading all morning. I finished my book America’s Unwritten Constitution The Precedents and Principles We Live By. I think I’m going to start reading Decision in Philadelphia. I’m very proud of myself but I will miss reading Akhil Reed Amar  

1:24p.m. I had pork, green beans and a baked potato for lunch. I couldn’t eat it for some reason. I ate the meat and that was enough. I couldn’t drink the coffee because it was cold. That little itwas enough to make me feel bloated. 

9:17pm Chocolatschip ‘s sister Elaine came up from Wheeling this afternoon. They went to Walmart and Dollar General. Then they had lunch at Bob Evans. I spent my afternoon sleeping  I woke up around 4:30 Chococolatechip called soon afterwards. She talked about her outing. They both had a good time. We talked until supper. I had two grilled cheese sandwiches. They were ok. I fell back to sleep. 

I was awakened by a very nice aide. She changed my briefs. Later on she gave me a shower and a shave. Overall, the care was a lot better than Saturday. This turned out to be a very good day. 
















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September 3, 2023

Have a good Sunday evening.