Sunday 9/22/24

5:28a.m. I’m above the dirt no thanks to the staff at this blasted nursing home. I was laying in urine until they got me up this morning. The morning aides were nasty and rough. Then they turned on the air conditioner. I ended up freezing.  I also had one bad dream after another that kept waking me up. In short I had a lousy night.

9:03a.m. I was in a beastly mood when I got up. I’m feeling better now. I had French toast casserole for breakfast. I fell back asleep and slept in my wheelchair for a couple hours. I’m heading to the Fiesta Room for the coffee social in a few minutes. The extra caffeine jolt will jump start my day.

10:43a.m. I had a good time at the coffee social. I had two cups . I read for a little bit. Then I stayed for the exercise group. The coffee and exercises perked me up. After that I made it back to my room just in time to pee myself. I hate having those accidents in public.

1:23p.m. I’m not doing well at all. I’m in a lot of pain from arthritis and the hoyer pad. Despite this I went to the Fiesta Room for lunch. They served roast turkey, baked potato with sour cream , carrots and a blueberry bar. I tried to read down there but was in too much pain. I made it back to my room in time for another incontinence episode. I’m soaked now and that only makes things worse.

I had the damned call light on but no aide came to help. I went to the nurse’s station. The nurs gave me a couple Tylenols for the arthritis. But the aide said she has to take care of lunch trays first. This means I will be in agony for at least an hour. I think their prorities are screwed. The patient’s well being should come first.

I had an idea one time that I mentioned at one of the many meetings. This place needs a float A float is nursing home jargon. It is someone who takes care of patients while the other aides are busy at meal times or doing other chores  It never went anywhere . They said it was a good idea but they cannot get the help. So patients must suffer needlessly while the aides are picking up trays.

I am having a very  bad day. First I have not been changed since they got me up at 5:00. I’m in a lot of pain from the hoyer pad and arthritis. Consequently I’m in a very shitty mood.

2:16p.m. I’m in bed. The aide came around 2:00. She did a good job. She even put cream on my sores. For a few minutes I was feeling great. Then I peed myself again. It seems as if I’ve been peeing a river today. At least I’m off that damned hoyer pad. Now I hope I can read my book The White House Years by Henry Kissinger. Life is good.

3:18p.m. I was book browsing and found yet more books. But I’m not buying books until January of 2025. I have enough to read. Besides spending $174 on books gave me such a rush. I should have $200 by January. I keep thinking it would be so cool to buy thirteen or fourteen books at the same time Saving up money to go on a buying spree is the way to go.

I’m still in some pain.  I get arthritis in my hands. My fingers stiffen and I can’t move them. It was very painful for awhile then it died down. I already had some Tylenol so they will not give me another dose. Tylenol doesn’t work anyways. I need a dose of Ibuprofen. That is the best OTC med for pain. .

I haven’t read my book yet. I find it very hard to concentrate while in pain. Then I’ve been talking with Chocolatechip. She has a doctor appointment in the morning. So she is going to bed at five o’clock.

4:18p.m. I’m soaked again. I’ll never understand why or how I became incontinence. I swear that was my downfall when I lived at Misery Towers. I remember I’d wake up at 2:00a.m. I would be peeing non stop stop all morning. I could not make it to the bathroom. I and my apartment smelled like urine. It was awful living like that . It was also a wonder I wasn’t evicted.

I ended up in this nursing home because I could no longer take care of myself . But then I’m either sitting or lying in urine half the day. Sometimes I wonder I should of stayed in my old apartment. But I know I need to be here. It sucks but I just couldn’t manage on my own anymore.

6:00p.m. I had a Philly cheese steak sandwich, fries and vanilla ice cream for supper. It was good and I ate everything. I will say the food is good for the most part.I’m lucky to get three meals a day. This really isn’t that bad of a place as far as nursing homes go. I just wish I didn’t have to lie in urine and feces half the day. After all :

  1. I have a roof over my head
  2. Three meals a day
  3. Clothes to wear
  4. Phone, cable and Internet
  5. Plenty of books to read
  6. Tablet and and a Kindle
  7. Wonderful woman in Chocolatechip
  8. Save and clean environment
  9. Insurance that pays for everything
  10. Fairly good health.

Life isn’t that bad at all.

7:24p.m. I have been trying to get changed for at least since supper. I had to call the nurse’s office for help. By then I was soaked. An aide came soon after I made the call. She was very nice and did a great job. I told her I hadn’t been changed since 2:00 when they put me in bed. I also said I was peeing a river today so it was not entirely their fault. Anyways I am dry and cleaned up for now.

I’m going to read my book for a couple hours . I haven’t read all day . It is very hard to concentrate while soaked in your own filth.

9:52p.m. I did a of reading tonight. That makes me happy. Sores on my thoughts were hurting very badly. But that didn’t stop me from reading. The pain died down so I’m ok now. I’m ready to go to sleep





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3 weeks ago

I hope you’re out of pain tomorrow, Bear. I must say, I am envious of the food they serve….