Sunday 9/15/24

7:49a.m. I’m above the dirt. I had weird dreams about the Mafia last night. They were going to kill me for some reason. I was hiding from them in this store. These two guys armed with rifles came in. They started to beat up the clerk. I was hiding in the back of the store. The two guys looked all around the place looking for me. Later they were walking down the street still armed with rifles shouting my name. Then I woke up.

Other than that I had a restful night. In also received decent care. The aides came in to change me two or three times. Then they got me up for good at 4:30. My only problem was they turned on the air conditioner. They kept it on for an hour and it got very cold in my room. I was afraid of getting sick again but it was turned off.

I talked with Chocolatechip. She got her new debit card in the mail. She is going to activate it then pay someone to take her to Walmart today. She has to load it with money asp. She also helped out Eddie the Mooch. He just got out of the hospital. She fixed him a grilled cheese sandwich. We talked until they served breakfast.

I had a coffee cake and scrambled eggs for breakfast. I thought it was skimpy. It was better than nothing I guess. After breakfast I want to read The New York Times. Then I want to tackle that Henry Kissinger book The White House Years . I didn’t read it last night because I fell asleep early.

I’m going to have a better day. I feel more alert and perky than yesterday. This is  good thing because I hope to do a lot of reading today

10:39a.m. I read a couple articles in the NYT. Then I talked with Chocolatechip. After that it was time for the coffee social. I made my way to the Fiesta Room. I had a cup of coffee and a fruit punch. I didn’t stay too long. I called Chocolatechip once I was in my room. Things are going well for her and she was in  good mood. I’m going to read  couple more articles then head for the Fiesta Room for lunch.

I’m looking at today’s menu. For lunch they are serving country.fried.steak with mushrooms and gravy, green beans,mashed potatoes, a dinner roll and lemon cream pie. For dinner I’m getting an Italian sub, cucumber salad and mixed fruit. These are two of my favorites.

I’m having a great day. Life is good.

1:02p.m. Lunch was delicious. I ate it in the Fiesta Room. I had orange sherbert instead of a lemon cream pie. This was better.  I made my way back to my room I called Chocolatechip. She was watching Saint Elmo’s Fire We talked about the movie. She then started talking about her graduation party. We remininicied about our time in Jeff Tech. I said e of my accounting teachers came to my party. She was happy and having a good day.

Before going to lunch I read an article in the paper about Trump. During the debate he mentioned Aurora, Colorado. He made another story about immigrants taking over another town. This was a lie. I was talking to Chocolatechip about Trump. I said he reminds me a lot of Hitler. Hitler blamed all of Germany’s problems on the Jews.  Trump is blaming all of our problems on immigrants. I’m not buying his lies I said.

I also talked about being soaked. I need my briefs changed. It seems I always have a major incontinence episode during or before meals. The aides cannot help me because they are taking care of lunch trays. So it will be awhile before I get assistance.  Chocolatechip asked if I was hurting. I said no just very uncomfortable. It is no fun sitting in your own pee.

I read another article about the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court , John Roberts  The court recently decided three cases in favor of Trump. One case involved granting the president broad powers of immunity from prosecution while in office. Another case said states, such as Colorado, could not keep Trump off the ballot. I guess the 14th Amendment does not apply to Trump. What can you expect with al court pa.  cked Trump appointees?

Well it’s back to the paper.  I want to read the paper this afternoon. Then  I will start on that Henry Kissinger book after supper.

3:18p.m. I had a nice aide who put me back in bed about an hour ago. Instead a few more articles about from the NYT .I read an article about Robert Kennedy Jr. He is the son of Bobby Kennedy. The son seems like a real nut case who ran for president on the Libertarian ticket Kennedy dropped out and endorsed Trump I bet Bobby is rolling over in his grave.

I also read an article about the never ending Mid East conflict. This time Houthi, a terrorist organization based in Yemen, launched missile against Israel. They did so in support of Hamas. Both groups are backed by Iran. There are fears that the conflict may break out in a regional war. There were a lot of very good stories in bed the paper today.

I had a good time reading my beloved New York Times. Reading the paper keeps my mind from ruminating. I am also learning instead of just sitting in my wheelchair going to pot. I’ve always said you can get the equivalent of a college education from the Times. It is the best paper in the world.

5:55p.m. I am watching CNN. There was another attempted assination of Trump. Shots were fired at his West Palm Beach golf course. He was not near the shooter and is safe, thank God. I strongly dislike Trump. But I would hate to see any harm come to him. Political violence has no place in this country. But things are getting crazier and crazier.

The Italian sub sandwich was good. I had pasta salad sad with it. I ate everything.

7:47p.m. I started reading The White House Years by Henry Kissinger. I read the first chapter . This is going to be another interesting book. I







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4 weeks ago

I’ve got to tell you Bear, you have the most wonderful meals there at the nursing home.  Everything always sounds so good to me.  Very happy that you have the NYT to read.  I read the Washington Post.

4 weeks ago

@wildrose_2  The food is good except for ham and pinto beans. I appreciate comments