Sunday 8/18/ 24

11:14a.m. I had one nightmare after another last  night. Thankfully I don’t remember them. So I didn’t sleep well. I wasn’t awakened until til 7:30 when I got my breakfast. I had toast, bacon and scrambled eggs. The aide was very nice this morning. She took good care of me. I was dressed and in my wheelchair in time for the coffee social.

I made my way to the Fiesta Room. I had a good time. But I had a massive incontinence episode. I was so embarrassed because I got soaked in urine. I though everyone could tell I peed myself. I had one cup of coffee then quickly left for my room.    

I called Chocolatechip. She washed a couple loads of laundry this morning. I told her about the darned nightmares. She talked about not being able to come up. I said I understood. She said when the time comes she will get her daughter take a cab. I will not die alone said he said. Then Chocolatechip said I was her rock and will always love me I was very happy to hear this.

I’m getting excellent care this morning . Aide came in change my briefs. I wanted to get back in my wheelchair. So she got the hoyer and put .e back in my chair. Only problem is I peed myself again after she left. I swear I hate being incontinent.

I have today’s menu. They are serving roast pork, green beans, dinner roll, a baked potato and cinnamon cheesecake. For supper I’m having tomato soup, grilled cheese sandwiches, potato wedges and sliced pears. At least the food is good here.

1:31p.m. I listened to a couple articles about Kamala Harris from The New York Times. I read until lunch was served. Lunch was delicious and I ate it all. But they seem to served pork a lot. I’m getting tired of it. Still it was better than nothing.

I talked with Chocolatechip after I ate. She was getting ready for an early appointment tomorrow. They are picking her up at 7:15. She was getting her supplies ready. She plans on going to bed at 4:00 and getting up at 2:00. I talked with her about some of the stuff I read about Kamala Harris. Chocolatechip wasn’t too interested. We said our goodbyes goodbyes because she wanted to get back to work.

I did tell her I’m having a great day. I said I was getting good care. I also said I was not having any pain or discomfort.  Then I enjoyed talking with Chocolatechip and reading the New York Times. Then I had two good meals so far. What else could a guy ask for?

3:54p.m. It took me all afternoon but I read all of today’s articles in The New York Times. I love that paper!, Now I’m ready to concentrate on my David Baldacci book A Calamity of Souls. 

An aide just put me in bed. She wasn’t very friendly. But she did a good job in cleaning me up and changing my briefs. Then she left the darned air conditioner on. I hate cold  air blowing on me, especially after getting over a bad cough. Anyways I’m glad to be in bed.

5:37p.m. I’m mad! I’m laying in bed freezing my butt off. The damned aid will not turn off the a/c! Why? Because  it is a power play with her. She is just a nasty bitch. I’m sorry I call em like I see em. To make matters worse she is going to be my aide for the night.  

I take that back. I just got my supper and the a/c is off. A nicer aide turned it off But the one before that was a real winner. I don’t understand why some of them have to be so mean.       

7:34p.m. I am doing ok now. I’ve been reading A Calamity of Souls by David Baldacci That book is so good. I made up my mind. I’m not letting that nasty aides ruin the rest of my day. I’m going to enjoy my book the rest of the night. Life is too short to be miserable.  

9:03p.m. I was reading my book when Chocolatechip called. We talked about baking pork chops in the oven. She had a special recepie that sounded so good. Then she said two different people knocked on her door and woke her up. It sounded like Eddie the Mooch she said . She didn’t answer. Good I said. We talked until the aide came to change me





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