Sunday 8/11/24

8:26a.m. I had a dream last night. I was in a college English class. We were discussing how to write a theses. My theses was the civil rights movement of the 1960s. It happened during that era in relation to other events such as the Vietnam War. The war field the movement because it was   a poor man’s fight. I dunno that was my thesis. 

Other than that I slept well. I was up for good by 7: 00. I called Chocolatechip . She said she sent an email. In the email she said she said No to Eddie the Mooch when he asked her to fix coffee Great I wrote back. I’m very proud of you! She said no once. She can do it again.  

I had pancakes for breakfast. They were good. I called Chocolatechip again..No answer She is probably doing laundry.   

12:14p.m. I slept a lot this morning. I woke up about an hour ago. The aides cleaned me and got me in my wheelchair. Hoyer pad was killing me though. I got them to remove it. Biut it still hurts sitting on this chair. 

I’m waiting for lunch and coffee. They are serving roasted turkey, roasted carrots, oven browned potatoes a dinner roll and peanut butter pie. I can’t wait.     

1:49p.m. Lunch was delicious and I ate it all. But I’m in a lot of pain.  I don’t know what is going on with this wheelchair. Sitting on it is hurting my butt like crazy.  I feel like I need to get back in bed . But the aides are busy with lunch trays.  Consequently I will have to wait for any kind of relief. There is no justice.     

3:13p.m. I’m mad as hell. I’ve been crying out in pain and had my call light on for over an hour. The fucking aides just said “gimme a minute!”  I’ve been trying to get help since lunch. The care in this place sucks! There is no excuse for this lack of care

4:05p.m. I’m finially in bed. They put me in bed around 3:30. They put clean briefs on me but they didn’t apply cream on my sores. Sores on my thighs are still hurting. Despite this I’m glad to be in bed. I feel much better.    

I haven’t done any reading yet. I was in too much pain. I’m going to try reading the New York Times until they serve supper. They are serving a Philly cheese steak sandwich, fries and ambrosia. I hope reading and good food will put me in a better mood.   

6:23p.m. I had two sandwiches and strawberry ice cream. I ate everything. Now I’m very painfully bloated. I hope I can get some Mylanta tonight. I talked with Chocolatechip after I ate. The main topic was Eddie the Mooch. She never did get her bowl back. She went on to say there is no earthly reason to help him. She is done. I said good. I hope you mean it this time.  

Eddie the Mooch smokes pot and gambles. I said if he has money for that he doesn’t need your help. He does not appreciate it and does not treat you with respect. She agreed. I also said I do not see what you get out of it. Chocolatechip said she was trying to make a friend. I said that is like trying to buy friends. You can’t make people like you. She said she learned a hard lesson.   

We had a nice talk on the subject. We talked about other things as well.. Chocolatechip watched a movie Where Angels Go Trouble Follows. That was a good movie I said. She talked about her favorite said scenes from the movie. Then she talked about upcoming appointments. Chocolatechip has an appointment with Tri State Medical Supply. She is being fitted for diabetic shoes tomorrow. We talked until she wanted to go to bed.  

Tomorrow I will find out if I get my Amazon gift card. I was talking to Chocolatechip about it. I said I’m not holding my breathe. I will believe it when I’m holding it in my big fat hands. I said by rights in should be getting a $100 gift card if I get anything. I heard too many stories to believe otherwise.    

I managed to read a few articles in The New York Times before supper. That took my mind off the shitty care. I hope I can read my book The Edge tonight. I’m almost finished with it. I’m kind of anxious to find out the ending The main question is who killed Jenny Silkwell and raped her sister Alex. I think it might be the former Chief of Police of Putnam, Maine.     

7:28p.m. A very nice aide just changed my briefs. She also put cream all over my sores. I feel much better.    

8:50p.m. I’ve been reading The Edge by David Baldacci. I have six more chapters. The plot is getting murky. It does look like the former Chief of Police, Benjamin Bing, might be the bad guy. But a new twist had been added so I don’t know how this will end. I will not reveal the ending. But I will give this a five star rating.

I hope to finish my book tonight. Next up is another David Baldacci novel Calamity of.Souls



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