Sunday 7/28/24

1:12a.m. I finially fell asleep. Aide woke me up to change my briefs. I had her check my speaker. It is dead so it looks like I’ll have to fork out money for a new speaker . In the meantime I have plenty of books to read. I’m starting a new novel by David Baldacci called The Edge in the morning. But it is a shame about that speaker.       

10:09a.m. I’m up and above the dirt. I finially got some sleep. I was up for good when they served breakfast. I had toast and and scrambled eggs.  I talked with her Chocolatechip. She went on  a rant about a Eddie the Mooch. He banged on her door very loudly last night. He wanted a grilled cheese sandwich. Then Jenn wanted to something to eat. She must be running a damned soup kitchen but she was pissed and worried about the getting bed bugs from them.

I laid in my own urine until 9:30. The aides came in to dress me and changed my briefs. They were a bit rough and not very friendly. But they dressed me and got me in my wheelchair. 

I feel like shit today.  I have been doing a lot of coughing. I’m still spitting up white phlegm and my computer chest is very congested.i also feel very tired weak and depressed. This damned bug will not leave me alone alone.  

12 :02p.m. I slept all  morning. Still feel very tired.  

1:40p.m. Lunch was late. I had roast pork, baked potato, green beans, a dinner roll and chocolate ice cream. It was good.  In fact, that was the best part of my day so far. But I still feel like shit.   

4:16p.m. I had a lousy afternoon. I was coughing constantly. I Feel very tired and weak. I hopefully will see the nurse practitioner tomorrow. I’m hoping they will give me more meds or ship me to the hospital. Something had got to change. I can’t take much. Ore of this shit. 

I didn’t read  much of the New York Times.  i read where Israel stuck back at Hezbollah. Hezbollah launched a missile attack on an Israeli occupied town in the Golan Heights It struck a soccer field killing twelve. I think they were mostly Druse Arabs. Western diplomats are trying to keep it from escalating into a full blown war.    

I read where Kamala Harris raised $200 million. Good for her. But I didn’t read the entire article. 

7:18p.m. I had two grilled cheese sandwiches, French fries and a cup of pears for supper. It was pretty good. I talked with Chocolatechip after I ate. We had a nice talk for half an hour. Then she went to bed. I began reading the New York Times. I read several articles. I remember reading about JD Vance. Senator Vance got off to a bad start . He had to defend his “Cat Lady” comment. But he did a good showing at a Trump rally in Minnesota.   

I’m feeling a little better after a very shitty day. I think sitting up in my wheelchair helped with the chest congestion Then I’ve been drinking a lot of water. I don’t seem to be coughing as much. I hope this shit clears up soon. I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. 

I haven’t started that book The Edge  by David Baldacci. I was just too sick to read. Then I wanted to read the paper. I was also  browsing Amazon for Bluetooth headphones. I found one for $60.96 I might get next month. As I was looking at it I started thinking all this tech shit is a gimmick to get your money. I felt like a real dumb ass for getting involved with it.  

I’ve been in my wheelchair since 9:30. I haven’t been changed since. I’m soaked down below but what the hell. That is par. Still I’m ready to be put to bed. I hope they come for me.













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July 28, 2024

I like David Baldacci. He writes good books. 🙂 Why does Chocolatechip have to make people food? Why can’t they do it themselves??

July 28, 2024

@derelictxheart  That is  a good question.

July 28, 2024

I’m sorry to learn you are ill.  Hope you feel back to normal real soon.

July 28, 2024

@wildrose_2  Thank you