Sunday 6/30/24/

10:11a.m. I turned 73 today. Like I keep saying I didn’t think I’d make it this long. I keep wondering how much longer I have left. Nobody knows when their number is up. So I guess I should make every day count  Nothing special is planned. It is just another day. 

I finished ready “Finn” last night. It was about this kid who has one tragic accident afternoon another. The ultimate misfortune occurs when he is kidnapped by a mysterious government agency. But they got the wrong person. I thought it was a strange story with a not so happy ending. 

I was up for good by 6:30. I called Chocolatechip. We had an interesting talk about Eddie the Mooch. She isn’t going to help him out anymore. I guess she was starting to have “feelings” for him. No line was crossed she said and I believe her. But she is starting to feel uncomfortable about the situation. Chocolatechip said she is not answering her door when he knocks. 

I said that is good. I think Eddie sad only interested in what he could get from you I said. Over the years Chocolateschip has cooked for him, shared her food with him and loaned him money. He owes het at least $60. I always felt he was taking advantage of het. I hope she means it this time. 

We also had a talk about that girl from Eagle Manufacturing. I admitted I was interested in her. That was over 50 years ago. I’m not interested in her now. I said I told Pam I have a girlfriend of 17 years. I also said I will be surprised if she returns. Chocolatechip said I did the right thing. 

We talked about the status of our relationship until breakfast. I had French toast casserole. It made me sick but I’m better now. The coffee was also cold. I hate cold coffee. Also, I missed the coffee social because I’m still in bed. I won’t be getting out of bed until after lunch.    

11:41a.m. I’m having the infamous ham and pinto beans for lunch. I can’t stand that shit so I am not eating it. Dinner is better. They are serving a Philly cheese steak sandwich. At least I’m having ice cream with my lunch, also cornbread. I like cornbread.

I’m in my wheelchair now. I didn’t like my aides this morning. They were pretty rough. They also left dirty clothes on the floor and dirty wash clothes on my table. I don’t like it when they do not clean up after themselves. It’s part of the job. 

2:21p.m. I finished reading another short story from You Like it Darker. This one was called “On Slide Inn Road.” It was about a family driving an ancient Buick down a dirt road to the fictional town of Derry, Maine. They get stranded at an old abandoned inn. The Inn was kind of spooky. Anyways two strangers help them out but they turn out to be outlaws. The outlaws were going to rob and kill them but Grandpa saves their lives. It was a good story. Next up is “Red Screen.” 

I’m having a good day today. My only problem is I’m soaked. I won’t be able to get changed for awhile. Food stinks today as wellk as my personal care. But this is my birthday and I’m going to make the best of it.  

I was also talking with Chocolatechip. I think she is having a good day. She got her daily chores done this morning. Then she watched her favorite movie The Trouble With Angels. Then she read her library book Love Story . We had a good time talking until the aide came to put me in bed.    

4:36p.m. I just finished reading “Red Screen.It was a good story. All of Stephen King’s stories are good. It was about a detective questioning a .murder suspect. The suspect killed his wife. He confessed. Only the suspect claims it wasn’t his wife. A space alien took over her body. Like all Stephen King stories this one has a surprise ending. Next up is “The Turbulence Expert.” 

I’m having a good day but I’m kind of bummed. The nursing home isn’t planning a Walmart shopping trip for July.  This means no $50 Amazon gift card. That’s ok though because I still have plenty of books on my Kindle. Besides I’ll have $100 to spend in August. Still, I look forward to buying books every month.  

6:26a.m. I had a good supper. I had two Philly steak sandwiches and potatoes. I ate everything and didn’t get sick. I talked with Chocolatechip. Tomorrow is her exchange day. In addition to her usual chores she is going to the bank and post office. She has to pay her rent and that damned SCI payment. This is the last payment. We talked for half an hour then she she wanted to the go to bed. 

I am soaked. I’ve been trying to get my briefs changed since 4:30. The aide said it was too close to supper. They are still taking  care of dinner trays. I’ll probably have to lay in my own filth for at least another hour. I’m used to this by now. But what a way to spend your 73rd birthday.  

Despite this I hope to read You Like it Darker tonight. I read a couple good stories this afternoon. I’d like to get two more in today. Then I see should be able to finish that book tomorrow. Next up is a John Grisham novel Camino Ghosts I’m a bit anxious to get started on it. See, I have plenty of books but there is always room for more.    

11:08p.m. I was changed twice. The aide who changed me was very nasty and rough. She was the same aide who was going to hit me I think. I didn’t get hit this time. She did her job ok but I hopel I don’t seek her again tonight I was also in a lot of pain from my briefs. Again I got a nasty aides who wasn’ much help. I managed to fix the sucker myself. 

I finished another story in You Like it Darker ” The Turbulence Expert” was about a man who worked for an organism of psychics They predicted air disasters. This guy’s job was to prevent a disaster by flying coach in a certain seat. He was on his a plain to Florida that hit turbulence. His very presence on the jet kept it from crashing. It was a weird. Stephen King has one hell of an imagination. Next up in the book is a story called “Laurie.”. 
















































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June 30, 2024

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAR!!!!!! I wish you a happy day. Even if it’s just a normal day… go outside at least once and feel the sunlight and love your self today by eating something good. Don’t worry about anybody else treating you special today -treat yourself special. Just know that there’s somebody on open diary that loves reading your entries and truly loves you as a person(me-& I’m sure a lot of others on here too). Love you Bear….🧸🐻‍❄️🐻

June 30, 2024

@daina Thank you for such a nice note

June 30, 2024

What Daina said: You’ve gained a lot of friends and admirers here. Enjoy your special day!

June 30, 2024

@ravdiablo  Thanks Rav