Sunday 6/23/24

8:57a.m. I had a good night for a change. I didn’t have any weird dreams. I was up for good by 6:30 This time the coffee was good and hot. I didn’t want my breakfast though. I just wasn’t humgry.   

I had a very nice aides this morning. She cleaned me up   changed my briefs and got me in my wheelchair. Best part is I’m up and dressed for the coffee social.   

I asked the girl if she could get me up early tomorrow. I said my girlfriend is coming for a visit at 8:30. She said she will get me up before breakfast. I said that will be fine. She seemed surprised that a fat ole man like myself has a girlfriend. I said it is a miracle of miracles that I do have one.    

Well, I’m above the dirt. I think this is going to be a much better day. So far I’m not experiencing arthritis pain. I had a cup of hot coffee. I’m heading off to the coffee social for more. I have a good book to read . It doesn’t get any better.   

11:40a.m. I made it to the coffee social. I had a good time. I did not hear anyone talk about me. The only problem I had was the hoyer pad. It was killing me. I screamed out in pain a couple of time. I couldn’t help myself. Anyways I had one cup of hot coffee then made my way back ack to my room. 

I called Chocolatechip. She is going much better. She is on an upswing today. She said she did a load of laundry. Chocolatechip also said she did other chores as well. I was truly glad to to hear this. We also talked about the visit to tomrrow. I can’t wait to see her. 

The hoyer pad was really hurting while we talked. I had to go when the aides came in. They adjusted the pad but it still hurts. Despite this I wanted to do some reading I began reading “Two Talented Bastids.,” This is the first story in You Like it Darker.” by Stephen King,. 

The first story is rather interesting. It is about two life long friends living in a fictional town of Harlow, Maine. They are artists. One becomes a famous painter and the other a famous author. They become famous in their late 40s after something very strange happens during their annual hunting trip in the Maine woods. I’m just getting to the scarry part where they discover a half dead woman . This woman turns out not to be human.    

1:02p.m.  I just had a fairly good lunch. They served country fried steak, mashed potatoes with gravy,  green beans and two peanut butter cookies. The mashed potatoes were cold but I ate them. The coffee was cold but I drank it The meat was delicious. I considerl myself blessed to have three meals. 

I talked to Chocolatechip before they served lunch. I was talking to her about my left eye which has been bothering me. I can hardly see out of it in the morning. I have to clean out a ton of sand and it itches like crazy. Chocolatechip suggested I ask the nurse if I have pink eye or a staff  infection. She also said no hugging or kissing tomorrow for fear of getting an infection I agreed to both. I said the eye isn’t bothering me now but it was terrible when I woke up.  We talked until they served lunch.    

2:03p.m. I’m off that damned hoyer pad. It was hurting my butt all day. It is such a relief to be in bed. After the aides left Chocolatechip called. I said I’ll have the nurse look at my eye when she brings me my carafate. Chocolatechip said that’s a good idea. I shouldn’t be having that much sand in my eyes. Something is not right. In fact I’ll try to get the nurse now.    

3:59p.m. I have been defusing while laying in bed . I’m trying not to worry about my left eye. It was a thing up again. I got the nurses to look at it She wiped off the sand. She said it was a bit red. She will phone the doctor about it. They will probably order drops. I’m sure if I have pink eye she would of said something. But I’m still worried.   

I haven’t felt like reading this afternoon. My eye was itching. I am having a hard time seeing the font on my Kindle. It hurts my eyes when I try to read. But I’m a persistent old cuss. I don’t want to give up on that Stephen King book. I’ll get to it after supper. 

I’m looking forward to supper. I’m having an Italian sub. I love subs. I forget what else I’m having. I think it might be a pasta salad. I’m not too crazy about that but I’ll eat it. Beggars can’t be choosy.  

5:02p.m. I was just talking with Chocolatechip. Her case manager picking her up at 8:30 tomorrow morning. We talked about thirty minutes. She sent me an email she said. Chocolatechip was worried about what other tenants in Misery Towers thought of her. In my reply I said she is a very kind and generous woman. People do not understand this. They  view it was as a weakness and take advantage. I also said she is a class act and those people are not worth the sweat off your skin. So I wouldn’t worry about what those assholes might think.    

Because she had an early appointment Chocolatechip signed off at five. Wake up time is 3:00. I plan on reading after supper. I want to finish that story”Two Talented Bastids.” I left off this morning just when it was getting good. I’m interested to learn what happened in those woods.    

6:41p.m. I just finished “Two Talented Bastids. “I didn’t think it was all that scarry or dark. Still I enjoyed reading it. I don’t want to reveal the ending in case anyone wants to read the book. Next one is “The Fifth Step.” 

8:43p.m. I fell asleep. The nurse woke me up for my meds. I thought it was morning and Chocolatechip was out there waiting for me. It is still Sunday night. Damn 


















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