Sunday 6/2/24

7:02a.m. Boy did I have some crazy dreams last night. I had one dream where I was captured by terrorists. I was in this dungeon like room being tortured. Then I had a dream where I was up a press operator at work. My press broke down and the machinist came to fix it. They got it up and running but for some reason didn’t tell me it was fixed. I got behind in my work and couldn’t keep up. I think I got fired from that job.    

I was up for good by six. I had a nice aide that got me dressed and in my wheelchair before breakfast Breakfast consisted of two biscuits and scrambled eggs. The coffee was hot and perked me up. I ate everything and didn’t get sick. 

So I’m above the dirt and blessed with another day. I am off to a good start. I’m going to have a great day. Life is good.   

10:07a.m. I had a bad arthritis flare up after breakfast. On a pain scale of one to ten the pain level was a five.  I fell asleep for awhile waking up in time for the coffee social. I stopped at the nurse’s station on the way down for some Tylenol. I had two cups and went back to my room. My shoulders are still hurting but not as bad.   

I talked with Chocolatechip. She was doing laundry. as usual.? Chocolatechip said she did two loads. This was in addition to her regular household chores. I said you proved to yourself you do not need a caregiver. She said they are more trouble than they are worth, especially from WV Choice. We talked for a few minutes then got disconnected.     

12:34p.m. I made it to the Fiesta Room for lunch They served country fried steak with mashed potatoes and gravy, grean beans, a dinner roll and a lemon cream pie. It was delicious and I ate it all. I made my way back to my room after I ate. I feel a little bloated but I think my stomach will settle. Otherwise, I feel pretty good. 

 Arthritis pain has gone away. I can concentrate on my book this afternoon. I started reading Landscape Turned Red while at the Fiesta Room. Stephen W Sears compared the similar careers of Robert E Lee and George Brinton McClellan. Both graduated from ,West Point second in their class. Both chose the engineer corps. Both were on General Winfield Scott’s staff during the War with Mexico and served with distinction. Yet their similarities ended when they faced off with each other during the Peninsula campaign. I found this interesting until they served lunch. I hope to read Chapter 3 this afternoon now that I’m fully awake and pain free.        

3:22p.m.  I’m having a blast this is afternoon. I’m pain free. I finished Chapter 2 in Landscape Turned Red by Stephen W Sears. I also talked with Chocolatechip al few times. I’m not hurting so I’m still in my wheelchair I also found out the nursing home is planning another Walmart outing on June 8. I hope I can get another $50 Amazon gift card so I can buy those three books. If not I’m still having a blast reading what I have. 

Here are the books I’d like to get this month: 

  1. You like it Darker by Stephen King. $14.99
  2.  Camino Ghosts by John Grisham.     $14.99
  3.  The Edge by David Baldacci.               $14.99.   .                              

5:24p.m. I had an Italian sub sandwich   and a cup of fruit for supper. It was good. I also talked with Chocolatechip . She is definitely going to Krogers for groceries tomorrow . She was planning on going to the post office to mail out the Comcast bill. But I talked her into getting groceries a priority.  I said you have plenty of time to make the Comcast payment.

Then I was getting the nursing home blues. I said I wished I was back in Misery Towers. Chocolatechip reminded me that I can’t live on my own. I do not have the ability to take care of an apartment. I said I know I need to be where I’m at. I just get depressed not being able to take care of myself . I just miss my home of over twenty some years. I miss being with Chocolatechip.

Then we talked a little bit about inspection. Chocolatechip feels she has done everything possible to get ready for it. I said I bet you probably worked harder than anyone else in the building. She sent me pictures of her apartment via email. It looked like something out of a catalog. Everything looked so clean. I said I bet you will get a star. We talked then she wanted to get ready for bed.

I intend to stay up and read tonight. I hope I can finish another chapter in Landscape Turned Red. I had plenty of coffee today so I think I can stay up later than usual. I got to study for the Big Test at West Lib.

8:29p.m. I read most of Chapter 3 tonight. This was about the invasion of Maryland. It was interesting but I’ve just about had it for the day. I’ve been reading for almost two hours. I’m tired and can’t concentrate. I think I’ll call it a day


























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June 2, 2024

I think Chocolatechip thinks she might have bedbugs…. You sound like you’re enjoying your books … I want to get Matthew Perry’s autobiography. ❤️❤️❤️