Sunday 6/16/24

8:47p.m. I fell asleep early last night. But it wasn’t good because I kept waking up from bad dreams. I don’t remember any of my dreams from last night. That is a good thing. I was up for good by 6:30.       

I called Chocolatechip. She had a bad night as well. She had nightmares. But she didn’t want to start off the day complaining. I said that is a good idea. We talked about different things. Ik sort of had a minor melt down. I said I wish I was home, back in Misery Towers. But that is impossible because I need 24 hour care. 

Chocolatechip talked about the party yesterday. It was in Steubenville. They had a pretty good spread of food she said. The cake wasn’t too big. She did t have cake but she had a great meal. The best part was she got to see two of her daughters and grandkids. Also, everyone got along with each other. A good time was had by all. 

I had a fairy good breakfast. They served scrambled eggs, bacon and a coffee cake. The coffee was good and hot. I had a great aides this morning. She took care of me soon after I ate. I’m dressed and in my wheelchair already. I m headed to the Fiesta Room for the Coffee Social.    

10:03a.m. I had a good time at the social. I didn’t hear my name mentioned. The coffee was good and hot. I had one cup then headed back to my room. I called Chocolatechip but no answer. She is probably doing laundry.. 

I have today’s menu. They are serving herb encrusted roast pork, green beans and onions, baked potato, a dinner roll and cinnamon cheesecake for lunch. For dinner it’s tomato soup, grilled cheese sandwiches, potato wedges and sliced pears for dessert. 

Well , I’m above the dirt. I’m going to listen to my audiobook Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin. As Chocolatechip said all I have to do is sit on my lazy  butt and read books. I say thank God I have my Kindle and those books to read. I would truly be lost without them.   

1:03p.m. I’ve been listening to Team of Rivals all morning. It is a great book. I’m currently on Chapter 13. I paused to eat a delicious lunch. Then Chocolatechip called. She was washing clothes and had been outside for a long time. She reported feeling pretty good today I was glad to hear that. We talked for a few minutes then she had tok take care of her laundry.   

I am thoroughly enjoying Team of Rivals . The book earned Doris Kearns Goodwin a Pulitzer prize. In my humble opinion I think she deserved it. I cannot speak highly enough of her abilities as a historian and writer. This certainly earns a five star rating. 

I’m going back to my book. I hope to read three more chapters.    

2:12p.m. I was talking to Chocolatechip.. she was sitting at the gazebo. A couple of the so called men in Misery Towers tried to hit on her. She was telling me about this one guy. She turned him down once. I had said you probably hurt his ego. I said men are driven by testosterone that drives us crazy. You say hi to a guy and right away that’s an invitation to sleep with them. Then when you say no our feathers get ruffled.

We talked until an aide came to put me in bed. This aide was excellent. She undressed me, put cream on my sores and changed my briefs. She was the same aide who assisted me this morning. I was glad to get off that damned hoyer pad. 

4:13p.m. I got through another Chapter in Team of Rivals Chapter 13 closed with the First Battle of Bull Run. It was a disaster for the Union. I hope to get through Chapter 14 tonight. I also talked with Chocolatechip. She was a little bit upset with what went on outside. I said you can’t go outside for a smoke without getting hit on. We tend to think that might of been a set up job. I really sound  paranoid but Misery Towers is full of crazy people. Chocolatechip said I’m not too far off base with that one.

You have to live in a place like Misery Towers to halfway understand people like that. Most of the tenants there have mental health and or drug abuse problems. They go off their meds and start shit with other tenants . This has happened to Chocolatechip and myself millions of times. It is like living in a crazy town.

I don’t have anything against people with mental health problems. Hell. I have them myself. But when you don’t take your meds and start harrasing other tenants that’s a different story. At least Chocolatechip and I took our meds as prescribed. We never did drugs or drink alcohol. But other people in Misery Towers couldn’t do that much or take care of themselves. All they did was cause problems for others.

6:11p.m. I had a delicious supper. I ate everything but the cold tomato soup. Chocolatechip called after I ate. She went to bed early but couldn’t sleep. Everything, the party, shit in the parking lot was playing on her mind. We talked for a few minutes . She has a busy day tomorrow but she might bake some cookies. I said bring some down next week.

She asked if I was going to read tonight. I said I don’t know. Right now I am painfully bloated. Supper went right through me and it hurt like hell. I desperately need my briefs changed but the aides are busy with dinner trays. It looks like I’ll be laying in my own filth for a couple hours. Reading is the last thing on my mind.

Still I want to give it a shot. I’m eager to get started on the next chapter. It picks up after the Bull Run disaster. Chapter 14 “I Will Not be Sacrificed” begins when George B McClellan assumes command of what would become the Army of the Potomac. I’d like to get in one more chapter tonight.

8:18p.m. I listened to my book for almost two hours. I’m halfway through Chapter 14. I’m tired and cannot go any much further. Still, I got through sixty pages today. That isn’t too bad.

































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