Sunday 5/26/24

6:47a.m. I had yet another bad night thanks to nightmares. I had this one dream about mfarther. He was keeping a diary. I read one time. He was writing about how miserable he was and he hated me. It was page after page of how he hated his wife and sons.  I had other dreams as well that kept waking me up. Right now I feel like I just worked a double. 

I’m dressed and in my wheelchair already. The aides got me up about an hour ago. I called Chocolatechip right away.She was saying it might not be a good idea to visit the day before payday. She will reschedule.  I said I understood .Then she said someone knocked on her door after she went to bed. It sounded like Eddie the Mooch. We only talked a few minutes.

It looks like I’m above the dirt. I feel half dead but I’ll be ok. I just need to finish my coffee while it is hot.

9:04a.m.I had a skimpy breakfast of a blueberry muffin and a title bit of eggs. I promptly fell asleep. I was dreaming about trains. I was on top of a train car holding on for dear life. My daughter was with me. We were headed from Pittsburg to Weirton. We passed through these very small towns. Then we fell off.  We were in the woods and had to walk to Weirton. At one point we were attacked by bums. They were throwing rocks at us and chasing us down this trail. I woke up after this. My dreams are crazy. 

10:41a.m.  I made it to the Fiesta Room. I had one coffee and left. I didn’t have a good time because my shoulders ached so badly. I talked with Chocolatechip after I left. She got her bathroom cleaned for inspection except for the toilet. She said she will work on that this afternoon. Right now she was elevating her knee because of arthritis. She had an ibuprofen and was waiting for that to kick in.  I said I had a Tylenol but that didn’t help.  

We talked for about an hour. Chocolatechip was having trouble with the tv remote. She called Comcast. She was able to reach a live voice. Chocolatechip said they sent out a refresh signal. Then we started talking about going to the library after inspection. Chocolatechip said she would be interested in biographies or self help books. She would like to read a few books by Dr. Phil if they have them. We talked until she was ready to start cleaning again.   

 I have today’s menu. For lunch they are serving herb encrusted roast pork,grean beans, baked potato,a dinner roll and a cinnamon cheese cake. For dinner it’s tomato soup, grilled cheese sandwiches, potato wedges and sliced pears. I was telling Chocolatechip at least I get three meals a day. The food is good most of the time.  

12:23p.m. I ate my lunch in the Fiesta Room. Some lady kept staring at me for no good reason. I felt very uncomfortable. Then I said to myself go ahead knock yourself out and take a good look. I just sat in my chair and minded my own business. People drive me crazy sometimes. But my paranoia isn’t stopping !e from getting out of my room. 

I still enjoyed lunch. Lunch made me feel better. Shoulder pain sent away. I think I’ll stay here and read To the Gates of Richmond by Stephen W Sears. I want to start reading Chapter 8 again This one is about the Seven Days Battles. I really like to study my books. I guess you can call me a life long learner. 

1:57p.m. I didn’t last very long in the Fiesta Room I went back to my room because I had an accident. I went back to my room. A very nice aide soon came to put me in bed. She did a good job in taking care of me. Chocolatechip called and we talked for awhile. Then she wanted to fix something to eat. I started reading my book To the Gates of Richmond by Stephen W Sears. I can’t lose concentration. I got to study for the BIG test on the Civil War.   

I already have a book lined up to read . This one is called Landscapes Turned Red by the same author, Stephen W Sears It is about the battle of Antietam fought, I think, on September 17, 1862. I’m anxious to get started.

Sometimes I think I’m very lucky. I don’t have anything to worry about. In fact all I have to do is sit on my lazy butt and read books. Sometimes I think that’s all I ever wanted to do in life. 

3:28p.m. I’m making good progress in my book To the Gates of Richmond I finished Chapter 8. I was reading about the Battle of Mechanicsville. This was the second battle in the Seven Days.  I called Chocolatechip. She got the toilet cleaned and finished the bathroom. She  said she was going over everything. I said you are doing great. You don’t need a caregiver.They are more trouble than they are wort, especially from WV Choice. We talked briefly. She wanted to step outside for a smoke. 

I had the tv on CNN for awhile. They were showing scenes from that Israel Hamas war. Those poor people are living in ruins. Israel has gone way too far in this case. Then they were talking about Trump. He gave a speech at the Libertarian party rally I turned it off at that point. Trump makes me sick. 

I used to love to keep up with the news. I was a loyal subscriber to the New York Times for years. I love that newspaper. Then the nursing home took over my check I can’t afford my beloved NYT anymore. I prefer reading the news rather than watching it on tv.  

Now that I’m on a roll I think I will read another chapter. Life is good.

5:25p.m. I started to feel a little down. I listened to some music on YouTube.  I was soon singing along with with the old time country greats. I also listened to Ave Maria sung by Chole Agnew. Music sure does chase away the blues. Than God I have that Bluetooth speaker so I can hear my music.  I haven’t given up on my book. I just needed a change of pace.

6:33p.m. Supper was lousy but I ate the grilled cheese sandwich and a few potato wedges I called Chocolatechip after I ate. She had a very good and productive day she said. Chocolatechip is basically ready for the inspection on June 6.  But she will continue to go over things until the big show down. We talked about who got my stuff. We both agree that Greg one of the maintenance guys, ended up with most of it. I said I told George I wanted Chocolatechip to have it. We were also wondering wjat happened to my cherished Jefferson Technical College degree. I’m still kicking myself in the butt for losing that. We both agree it ended up in the dumpster. We talked for a few minutes then she went to bed.

At least I have my tablet, Kindle and books. They will have to pry those from my cold dead hands



























































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