Sunday 12/11/22

5:11am  I did not pee the bed last night. This was a first since I developed incontinence Issues almost three years ago. I’m so happy and proud of myself.aide was happy because she didn’t have to change the e sheets. I’m happy because I’m thinking if I can hold it one night I can hold it a second and a thing Rd and so on. I’m jumping the gun here because i am thinking that there is some hope where I might get back to independent living.

I had a good night for a change. I actul!y fell asleep around 11:30. I do not remember any weird dreams or nightmarethis . Buone sdream.  thIn ten I did have thi s dream I was a barbarian King. We had just defeated a civilized country and my army was looting everything. I myself was stealing things from a building.i had two or three piles stuff

Then I had to talk to a subordinate. He was going on about prisoners causing trouble. I said I’ll them all. No men, no this same fdream o was talking to the Queen of a conquered territory. I was mistreating her forcing her to smoke cigars. Then the dream faded away when I woke up around five.

At my request I was up at five. I had a good aide this mornin to she gave me a shave and a nice sponge bath. For a change I feel fairly perky I actually feel rested. Life is good. 

3:00p.m. The perkiness I felt this morning didn’t last. I started feeling sleepy and tired as soon as I started to read the NYT. I did manage to stay awake for breakfast. But the French last, scrambled , hot cere Al, two cups of coffee and a glass of on didn’t help. I started to doze off and on? Then I was either chatting with Chocolatechip on Messenger or talking to her on the phone. Even then I struggled to stay awake. I finally heard the heck with itvan had a nice long in a nap.

I was up in time for lunch! I had two pork chops, a baked potato,peas, a dinner roll, peas and a pumpkin pie This, along with two cups of coffee finally got me going. But what did the trick was getting a nice hot shower this afternoon. For the first time today I felt very awake. I think I can finally read a little bit of the paper before supper. 

8:17 p.m. I was able to do better after my shower this afternoon. I stayed awake until supper. I spent a good bit of my time playing with my new tablet. I was away from FB for a very long time but I thought I’d give it a try. As I scrolled down my news feed it to felt kind of weird being back on social media. But that didn’t stop me from posting and announcing my return. I think I’ll be ok. I just got to be careful about what I say.

  I talked lot with Chocolatechip. We talked on the phone but mostly on Messenger. we like chatting on Messenger. It is private. We are both are afraid that my negative comments about the nursing home might be overheard. Messenger is more private and confidential. Besides that it is kind of gun. we chatted about various things until 4;30p.m. Chocolatechip had an early appointment Monday. She has to get up very early so she talked it a night  I chilled until suppertime.

I had a good supper. I had two pieces of three cheese pizza, a spoonful of vegetables and pears for desert.For drinks I had two cups of hot coffee and a fruit punch. I love pizza and can have pizza every night. So I was pretty satisfied. Coffee and dinner finally perked me up and I started to read the New York Times. 

Treading the NYT always repaved me and clears my mind. But I read an article in about the seriously mentally ill people who are homeless. The mayor of New York City, Eric Adams, is sponsoring a program that is forcing homeless people off the streets and forcing them to get care whether they want it or not Supporters of this program saybthatnthesrvpeople pose a threat to themselves and society. They need to be taken off the streets because they can’t take care of themselves.

I was very troubled by this article. I suffer from major depression myself.  When I had a life and lived on my own I could barely keep my apartment clean and myself.But I always tried. I always took my meds and did positive things like work out in the gym, and constanl read. I wash never a threat to othersj. Think this article stigmatizes people with mental illness And this made me feel very bad about myself. Oh well, it’s just a news story.

Well. I digressed long enough on this topic. I guess it doesn’t much matter if I’m bat shit crazy or not. I’m in an institution. It is a nursing home but still an institution. I’m in here because I could not longer care for mysel because of physical or mental problems. 












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