Sunday 11/12/23 had arthritis pain and muscle spasms almost all night long. Then I kept obsessing about my B&N wouldn’t accept my password. I tried several times at least with different passwords.  It still wouldn’t accept the new passwords.i talked with technical support. They told me to clear my history and cache. I did that and it still wouldn’t work. The combination of arthritis pain and being frustrated with B&N kept me up most of the night.

The aides finally got me out of bed around six. They did a good job  and got me in my wheelchair. But I was one miserable old fart. My whole body ached from arthritis. I was also very very tired. Then as soon as the aides left I had a massive incontinence episode. I was drenched in urine. I just sat I’m my wheelchair wanting to cry.

I only had to wait for an hour for breakfast and coffee but it seemed like an eternity. Breakfast cheered me up. It consisted of toast, eggs and oatmeal. The coffee and orange juice worked their magic.I felt ?I!e a new man. After being fortified with food and caffeine ji felt like facing off with B&N. But first I wanted to talk with Chococolatechip. 

Chococolatechip was in good spirits when we talked. She decided not to have lunch with that lady from Bible study. That will just put her in the hole for this month. Then she was afraid of standing in front of Walmart waiting for the bus only to get sick. I said perhaps it’s best you don’t go. She agreed. She also commiserated over my troubled night. Then we had to end our morning talk because she had to get busy.

I may not be the pick of the litter when it comes to brains but I don’t give up. I’m gave B&N one !ore try. Miracle of miracles it worked? This time I used the suggested password. I was able to access my account. Now the problem is my credit card is no longer valid. I have no way to pay for my beloved New York Times. At least I know what to do once I start getting my money from the nursing home.

I didn’t think so but it looks like my morning will be good. The arthritis pain died down. I had a good breakfast. I’m not obsessing about anything. I can go to the coffee social, enjoy a cup and read my book Wizard and Glass. You just can’t beat it with a stick. 

9:40a.m. I made it to the coffee social without an oxygen tank I couldn’t get any help at the nurse’s station. I left early and waited a d waited but I got no help. It I die I die is how I look at it. I just hope I have a cup of coffee before I go. 

1:55p.m. Except for the social I had a pretty shitty day so far. I had two cups of coffee and a cupcake. I stayed at the social for an hour then made my way back to my room. Then I had another massive incontinence episode. In addition to being soaked I had a BM. It was close to lunch. I couldn’t get changed because the aides were busy with lunch trays. 

I didn’t get any help until well after lunch. So I was sitting in urine and feces for at least three hours. I was one miserable old fart. Because of no care I got very, very depressed and anxious. I wanted to breakdown and cry. Although I had on the call light nobody came.

I ended up going to the nurse’s station begging for help. Finially. an aide responded. She did a good job in getting me to bed, undressing me and changing my briefs. I feel much better now that I’m dry and in bed.

Lunch itself was good. They served chicken cacciatore over herbed rice, blended vegetables a dinner roll and a piece peach streusel pie. I would of enjoyed this had I been dry. I also had yet more coffee which no doubt made me urinate myself after they got me in bed. Oh well

Then there was this “problem” I’m having with B&N. I got locked out of my account. Yet again B&N would not accept my password. I tried checking it before lunch and I swear that will be the last time. I also swear I will NEVER buy anything from them again. They lost me for good this time and I spent a fortune buying books from them. No more because I’m sticking with Amazon.

So I had a very , very frustrating day. I hope things get better. I’m just laying in bed trying to defuse. I’d like to get back to my book Wizard and Glass. I have four more chapters. I hope to finish it today then on with Wind Through the Keyhole But I’m so worked up I need to chill first. 

6:23p.m. I finially crashed in the afternoon. I slept for a couple hours. Muscle spasms woke me up.i had several painful spasms in a row. Just when I was getting back to sleep the aides came in to change me This was around 4:30. After that I started peeing constantly. I’m soaked again but will not get help. Aides are taking care of supper trays. 

I didn’t eat supper. They served hot roast beef sandwiches, one of my favorites. But it comes with a lot of gravy which I cannot tolerate. I was afraid I’d get very sick. Besides I had a big breakfast and lunch. I wasn’t very hungry.

I just got off the phone with Chococolatechip. We had a nice conversation abou different t things. She was telling me that George, head of the Housing Authority, was in the hospital. She also talked about how she made her famous macaroni and cheese salad this morning. Then we talked about my incontinence episodes . I said I must of peed a river. Chococolatechip said to lay off the coffee. I said I’m not drinking as much to tomorrow We talked for about a half hour then she we

I didn’t do much reading today. I had a lousy day. It is very hard to read when you are sitting in urine and feces. Then I slept a good bit this afternoon and once agOn had incontinence episodes. In short this was a shitty day. I hope to read a little bit before falling asleep tonight. I hope I get some sleep tonight.  

9:35p.m. I just finished Wizard and Glass. It had a weird ending. But I enjoyed the book. I give it a five star rating. I will continue onward to the Dark Tower with Wind Through the Keyhole. I will start it tomorrow 



















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November 12, 2023

Bear, I sent you a message; I think I can help you out with the Times subscription.