Sunday 1/7/24

7:40a.m. I had another bad night. I lied in poop and pee all night long. Well, I was changed once at 7:30 . At least I slept well with no arthritis or weird dreams. The aides woke me up at 5:00. I was cleaned up, dressed and in my wheelchair by 5:30. I promptly fell asleep and slept for an hour. Then I called Chocolatechip.

She was in rare form for this morning.  She went on a out s number of subjects. She talked about Theresa who wasn’t very nice yesterday. Then she talked about bed bugs. Chocolatechip said she felt one bite her last night. She said she didn’t see any this morning. Then she is hyper vigilant. Chocolatechip said she isn’t going to let anyone in her apartment, not even her sister Elaine.  She is also not answering her door to anyone. Chocolatechip is deathly afraid of getting them again.

We talked for a few minutes then they served me breakfast.i had French toast and bacon. I love bacon. So breakfast was delicious. The coffee and juice hit the spot this morning. I’m above the dirt and blessed with another day. 

9:22a.m. I fell asleep again. I woke up at 9:00. I made my way to the Fiesta Room for the Coffee Social. I hope the coffee will wake me up. I’d like to do my Bible study while here. But I can’t do it when half asleep. I’ll need some extra coffee to get me going today.

I just got my coffee and donut. Yay! 

10:38a.m. I’m back in my room. I had two cups. That didn’t help because I think I’m getting a cold. I had abad coughing spell. I left when I passed gass. I just asked to be changed and put in bed. I’ll probably be in my wheelchair until after lunch. This sucks!  

12:08p.m. I’m still in my wheelchair. I’ve been sitting in poop and piss all morning. I was just told they can’t help me until after lunch. I bet it will mean another two hours of sitting in my own filth. One good thing is I’m not coughing anymore. But I feel so tired and weak. I still feel like shit. 

I talked with Chocolatechip a lot this morning. She was saying the Weirton Police paid a visit to Misery Towers. In fact they rang her buzzer and she let them in. Chocolatechip said there were five cop cars in the parking lot. This sparked my curiosity. I wondered who they were after. I said I bet it was a big drug bust. Drugs are rampant in Misery Towers.

I had my lunch drinks. I had coffee and lemonade. The coffee was a bit cold but drank it anyways. They are serving turkey and dressing with a piece of pumpkin pie. I’m looking forward to it. I’m hoping a good meal will put me in a better mood.

They just x rayed my chest. Earlier I was tested for Covid. I hope I’m not coming down with that. 

1:57p.m. I’m in bed and thank God! I was in a hell of a lot of pain. The briefs were cutting into my balls. I was screaming my fool head off. I got into it with my aide. She yelled at me telling me not to yell at her. I yelled back saying I wasn’t yelling at you. We went back and forth arguing. She did put me to bed changed me and put cream on my thighs. I feel much better.

This has been a very bad day. I’ve been sitting in my own filth since the Coffee Social. I was hurting like hell and very, very pissed off. Things are better now that I’m changed and in bed. But I feel like I been through hell and back. 

I have to defuse a bit. Then I hope to do a lot of reading. I want to try and read my NIV Study Bible for two hours today. I also want to read in The  Dark Tower by Stephen King. That’s a total of fourk hours.

I especially want to read The Dark Tower. I’ve reachd a turning point in the story. One of the main characters in Roland’s ka-tet was killed during the attack on Algul Siento. The ka-tet is broken. I want to find out what happens to the rest of the group and if the gunslinger saves the Tower.

3:53p.m. I rested for an hour and talked with Chocolatechip. We talked about our respective x spouses. The less I say on that subject the better. It was a pleasant conversation though. She has to go to the the blood lab tomorrow morning. So Chocolateschip is going to bed early at 4:00. I’m chilled out now and ready to tackle those books. b can’t wait for supper. I’m having pizza tonight and a salad.

5:54p.m. I read my book for an hour. Then I ate a slice of pizza for supper and a cup of pears for dessert. I didn’t care for the salad. The pizza was delicious. I drank a fifth cup of coffee. I hope all that coffee keeps me up so I can read my Bible tonight. 

I’m torn between two loves. Should I start on the Bible or read more of the Dark Tower? I’m right in the middle of a good chapter. I want to see how it ends in the worst way. But I made a solemn promise to read the Bible nightly. I missed last night because I was so tired. I don’t want to miss another night. 

7:51p.m. I feel much better. A very nice aide gave me a hot shower. There is nothing more relaxing than a hot shower. Now I can really concentrate on the Bible. Life is good.

9:30p.m. I read Deuteronomy Chapters 13 to 25. I am pleased with myself for fulfilling my promise . I’m s bit wired from drinking all that coffee. I’m going to read another chapter in the Dark Tower.

































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January 7, 2024

I’m sorry your day is not going well, Bear. I hope it improves.

January 7, 2024

@ravdiablo Thanks. I’m ok now