Sunday 1/28/24

5:14a.m.  I started reading The Exchange by John Grisham last night. It begins fifteen years after the law firm of Bedinni Lambert and Locke was busted by the feds.Mitch and Abby McDeere are back in the states living in Manhattan. Mitch is a partner in Scully and Pershing, the largest international law firm in the world. They have a perfect life until Mitch has to return to Memphis for pro bono work.

I read until nine last night finishing four chapters. I do not remember any weird or disturbing dreams. I received good care. The aides changed my briefs twice. They woke me up at 5:00 cleaning me up and getting me dressed. I was in my wheelchair in no time. I can’t complain about the care I received.

I do not feel tired this morning. I could use a cup of coffee but that will have to wait until breakfast. Having my own coffee  when I first awake is one of the many things I miss. I swear the water time between waking up and breakfast is the longest and hardest part of the day. Damn I miss my morning coffee sessions with Chocolatechip

10:01a.m. I got very sick from breakfast.  I was bloated and had a bad case of diaharea. Of course I didn’t get help so I’m sitting in my own filth. Consequently I missed the social. This is the second time I got sick on French toast. I’m not eating that shit again.   

1:22p.m. I’m very pissed. I’ve been sitting in my own filter all morning. I have had my call light on but it is a waste of time. An aide stopped turned off and walked on by. She did not say kiss my ass or anything. I turned it on again. It’s been on for an hour. I cannot get any help at all.

I didn’t let this stop me from reading. I read four chapters in The Exchange. I’m thoroughly enjoying this book. Mitch returns from Memphis. The law firm sends him on yet another trip. This time to Rome. The office in Rome wants Mitch toll represent a Turkish client sueing Libya So they send him to that country. It is an interesting plot and I got cought up in the story.

I read most of the morning stopping for lunch. Lunch was delicious. They served turkey, dressing, peas and chocolate ice cream. I ate it all without getting too bloated.  I then called Chocolatechip. She was watching a movie called Overboard with Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell. We talked for a few minutes then I let herl go on with the movie.

I’m doing much better than I was this morning. The terrible pain in my belly went away. Arthritis pain is very mild.. I had a good lunch that didn’t make me sick. My only complaint is the stinking aides who let me sit in piss and shit all morning. I don’t care how busy they are there is no frigging excuse.   

2:52p.m. I’m in a very foul mood. Anyone who has been sitting in their own filth all day would be. The fact that I finially got put I and cleaned up does not make a difference. I’m still very pissed off because of no care. I repeat there is no excuse for this lack of treatment. This has not been a good day thanks to shitty aides. 

Well I’m dry and in bed now. I need to defuse. Life is too short to be miserable and depressed all the time. Fuck it Have a ball aond fuck em all

6:25p.m. I had three cheese pizza for dinner. It was ok but was not as good as Papa Johns or Dominos. I got a lttle bloated but not like this morning. My nightly dose of Mylanta will do the trick. I also talked with Chocolatechip. She calmed me down. I’m much better thanks to her. I read my book and that made me feel better.

While I was talking Chocolatechip asked an interesting question. She wanted to know what I dream most about. I had to think on this one because I have all kinds of weird and disturbing dreams. I dream a lot about people chasing me and trying to hurt me. Then I dream about fighting with my parents and them yelling at me. Sometimes I dream about historical events. Perhaps the weirdest are me dressed as a woman. I dunno   it is hard to pinpoint. All I know is I have crazy dreams 

Well today sucked thanks to lack of care. I’m normally a very laid back kind of man. But I’m sorry to say I lost it today. I was sick and spent most of the day sitting in shit and piss. I think this would be enough to make a saint lose his temper. All I can say is I hope tomorrow will be better.























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