Sunday 1/21/24

S I had a lousy night thanks to no care. I was soaked when the aides came to change me at 2:00.  Again  my call light was not within reach. The aides do not answer it anyway. What is the point of having a call light? I was pretty pissed off when they did come.

They got me out of bed s few m minutes ago. They were friendly and did a good job. But why did they not take care of  me during the night? I do not understand this place. People are sleeping so they can’t be that busy. Is it too much to ask to have my briefs changed in a timely manner?  

Anyway I survived. I’m above the dirt. I only hope today will be a better day. 

10:14a.m.I’m having a great morning. I’ve been reading. I finially finished reading the Dark Tower series! I’ve been reading these books since last September. I got through all seven of them. It was well worth the effort. In my humble opinion I think they were the best Sci Fi, Fantasy books ever written. There is more book The Dark Tower Complete Concordance by Robin Furth. It is a reference to the whole Dark Tower series. But I will get to that at a later date. I’m anxious to move on. 

Next up will be two John Grisham novels. These are The Firm and The Exchange: After the Firm. John Grisham is another favorite author. He writes mostly about lawyers and legal thrillers. I read most of his books. I read The Firm a long time ago but could read it again. I can’t wait to get started.

I took a break from reading and ate breakfast. I had a coffee cake. bacon and a cheese omelette. It was delicious. I read my book then made it to the Fiesta Room for the Coffee Social. I had two cups. The caffeine worked its magic spell. I feel I can take on the world.

11:37a.m.  I made my way back to my room. My arms must be getting stronger because wheeling myself is getting a big easier. I called Chocolatechip when I got back. We talked for a long time. She did a load of laundry this morning. She is all caught up with the !laundry. Chocolatechip plans on doing the washing every day so bed bugs can’t hide in her clothes. I said that is an excellent idea. It also keeps you active so you won’t end up in a nursing home. 

We also talked about how we listened to music videos on YouTube. That was so much fun. We would listen to them on my computer after supper. I like all kinds of music so I let her watch what she liked . I loved those times we had together. They were the best times in my whole stupid life.

They will be serving lunch soon. I’m having pot roast. Im looking forward to it because I’m a bit hungry. I had a PBJ sandwich this morning it feel I still could eat a big lunch. One thing about this place is the good food. After lunch I plan on starting The Firm by John Grisham. Life is good

2:30p.m.I had a delicious lunch. They served  pot roast, oven baked potatoes, glazed carrots and homemade carrot cake. I ate it all and didn’t get sick Then I started to browse for books on B&N. I got kind of depressed because I came across a few book I’d love to read. One is Oath and Honor by Liz Cheney. The other is The Edge by David Baldacci. But it is the same old story of how I have no money or credit.

I got to thinking about how the nursing home took control of my check.i will go to my grave thinking there was something very fishy about that deal. They claimed I got behind on my rent. It is a long and confusing story. To this day I do not understand it.

All I know is I get $816 in Social Security. Out of that the nursing home gets $766. I will start getting $50 a month after everything is paid up.. I do not know when I’ll have that so called debt paid. I think it will be sometime in April or May. Then I hope they will start giving me gift cards so I can buy books and subscribe to my beloved NY T.

The depression soon passed. I talked with Chocolatechip. She was working on a budget for February. She is definitely going to take that corispondence course from Stratford Career Institute. It is called Senior Care Specialist. She is looking forward to it and I’m very happy she can do this. We talked about this for a while then the aide came to put me in bed

I’m glad I’m in bed now. The hoyer pad was starting to hurt and I was soaked. I was sitting on that damned thing since 5:00a.m. That was nine hours ago. The only bad thing I hate about being in bed is eating supper in bed. I can’t see my plate and I get food all over me.

6:21p.m. I ate a huge peeroni roll for supper. It was delicious. I also had vanilla ice cream for dessert. Rjobecent  stuffed right now but I don’t feel sick or bloated.

Before supper I started reading my book The Firm by John Grisham. I read the first chapter. It begins when a very private and exclusive law firm is interviewing Mitchell McDeere for a position . The job applicant is a  recent graduate from Harvard. He graduate at the top of his class. The firm, located in Memphis, made him a very lucrative offer to real him in. He will accept the offer.   This sounds like an interesting story.

I called Chocolatechip after I ate. We talked a few minutes. She had planned to go grocery shopping tomorrow morning. But we are in for some bad weather so that is out. We talked for about fifteen minutes then she wanted to go to bed.

This has been a better day for the most part. I didn’t have trouble with arthritis. I had three good meals with lots of coffee. I talked with Chocolatechip a lot. I finished the Dark Tower novels and began a new book. This turned out to be a very good day













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January 21, 2024

That’s quite an accomplishment, Bear. I really should read more; maybe I’ll take a few hours away this afternoon and continue the book I started reading a few weeks ago.

January 21, 2024

@ravdiablo One thing good about being in a nursing home is I can read

all I want.