Sunday 1/14/24

7:23a.m. It seems I can never get a good night’s sleep. I woke up at 3:00 from a weird dream. I was dreaming about my old job at Eagle Manufacturing. I was trying to do my job. My old boss was yelling at me. He was saying I reported off too many times and was making too many mistakes. He got me so nervous I did screw up. He fired me.

I was glad when they aides came to get me out of bed by 4:00. They were friendly and did a good job. I was in my wheelchair by 4:30. After they left I fell asleep. I always sleep better in my wheelchair I slept until 6:00.I called Chocolatechip and we talked for a few minutes. 

I fell asleep again. I slept until breakfast. I had sausage, scrambled eggs and a cupcake. I called Chocolatechip again. She was doing housework but we talked for a few minutes. She said her stomach is feeling better. She wanted my advice on something and I gave it to her. We had a pleasant conversation.

I did manage to read a few more chapters in Judges.last night. I am about halfway through that book. I’ll start on Chapter 10 today. I find this book to be interesting. It begins with the death of Joshua. The Holy Land was conquered by the Israelites and the tribes received their territories. That generation obeyed God who protected them and saw that they prospered.

Yet a new generation grew up. The Israelites turned from the God of their ancestors, Abraham, Issac and Jacob. They began to worship the false Gods of their enemies. This angered the one true  God. The Israelites were then oppressed by their enemies. Yet God did not completely forget his people.

Because of their oppression the Israelites returned to their God.God appointed Judges over them. God delivered them from their enemies Whenever the Israelites returned to their God and worshipped Him God saw they conquered their enemies and lived in peace. But God punished them for disobedience and rebellion. 

I thought about how these chapters might apply to my own life. I thought long and hard on this matter. I truly believe that God was always watching out for me and was never completely forgotten. Yet he punished me for my sins and mistakes in an effort to draw me back into a proper relationship.   

I’ve been thinking about a lot of things since I started reading the Bible again. I just hope it is not too late for me to be saved.

9:44a.m. I am in the Fiesta Room for the Coffee Social. I made my way down and it was a workout. My armed are aching but it was worth the effort. I cannot wait for that first cup of coffee. 

1:44p.m. I only had one coffee and two cupcakes at the Coffee Social. I wheeled myself back to my room. I talked with Chocolatechip a bit. Then I fell asleep in my wheelchair. I slept for a couple of hours. I woke up around noon. I called  Chocolateschip. We talked until they served lunch. 

Lunch was ok. I had kilbasa and sauerkraut with potatoes. For the dessert I had a peach cobbler for dessert. I enjoyed lunch but it didn’t agree with me. Sauerkraut just wrecks havoc on my stomach. But I’m ok after a dose of Mylanta.

Lunch and coffee brought me back to life. I hope to read this afternoon. I have about eight more chapters to go in the Dark Tower. I will be finially finished with that series. Then it’s on to John Grisham, The Firm and The Exchange: After the Firm. 

4:16p.m. I ended up lying in urine and feces all afternoon. I’m in bed now but I didn’t get any kind of help for almost two hours. I was royally pissed when the aides finially got to me at 4:00. Then they left without giving me my oxygen tubing and pulling the table within reach.  I screamed for help but ended up getting yelled at. They don’t like it when you yell. I said to myself suck it up buttercup.

I was very uncomfortable laying in piss and poop. This is so humiliating and degrading. The attitude of these aides when they do come is unbelievable. Then they act like it is a real hardship just to do their job. Their shitty attitude makes me feel even worse if that is possible.

Consequently I didn’t read. The circumstances were not conducive to reading. I couldn’t concentrate on anything because I was so upset. I hope to read tonight after supper. I’ll try to spend an hour with King plus sn hour reading my NIV Study Bible.

8:39p.m. I had an open roast beef sandwich with mashed potatoes and gravy, brussel sprouts and a cup of fruit for supper. I read a chapter in the Dark Tower. I also read five chapters in the book of Judges. I’ll start on Chapter 16 tomorrow. I’d like to read more but both me and the battery is about to conk out. I’m ready to call it a night.


















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January 14, 2024

Hey Bear, if you want to delve more deeply into the Old Testament, there are some wonderful videos at this website: