Saturday 9/9/23

9:14a.m. I received good care last night. I needed changed after supper I did not have long to wait. The aides came into change my briefs around seven. They all checked on me two different times during the night. The aides who got me up this morning were very nice. They cleaned me up changed my briefs and got meo in my wheelchair. I was up but not awake by five

I was still very tired. I slept in my wheelchair until seven. I called Chocolatschip then. She was in good spirits Chococolatechip said shek quit taking the nicotine lossengers. They were causing ad chest pains. But she also said she isn’t going back to smoking. Chococolatechip has been nicotine free since last Monday.. She said she does have any cravings I’m so very proud of her. We talked briefly then she had to get busy. 

I soon got my breakfast. I had yogurt, a cupcake and scrambled eggs. It was pretty good. Breakfast., coffee and orange juice hit the spot and got me going. Again I called Chocolatschip. We talked about the bed bug situation.Shek was saying that Tim the Moocher has them bad. But he will not let on that he has them. She was also saying the bb are a major problem in this area. The cab service has their vehicles sprayed by Rose Pest Control. The people from Rose were saying you can get them on the bus, from riding with your case manager from any place. Bed bugs are indeed an epidemic around here. 

I never did finish reading my book Decision in Philadelphia. I wanted to finish it last night but got sleepy around 8:30. Oh well, I only have two morek chapters. I can finish them today and start reading Holly by Stephen King.

11:34a.m. I tried reading but couldn’t get into my book. I got very depressed. Even when I lived independently I got depressed on the weekends. I guess my routine goes of kilter. When I had my apartment I was always walking to the library or going to the Millsop where they had an indoor pool. That kept me occupied during the week. But there wasn’t much to do on the weekend. Staying in my apartment alone always mr very depressed. 

There isn’t that much to do in this nursing home during the weekend. I can read but even I can’t read all the time. During the week they have the coffee social and other activities But there is no coffee social on the weekend or any other activity that interests me. Then there is nobody here to talk with and I get so friggin lonesome. Isn’t it any wonder why I get so depressed? 

 I asked the aide to put me in bed and change my briefs.  She was very nice and did a good job. I must say the quality of care has gotten better since I talked with the nurse practitioner. Also staff here has been nicer to me these last few days. 

7:14p.m. I had a good day. I slept in the afternoon and talked with Chococolatechip later in the day. I received good care and didn’t have to wait to get changed. Supper was ok . I had a turkey and tomato sandwich. But I got bloated when I drank a glass of chocolate milk. After supper I said good night to Chococolatechip. Then I read my book Decision in Philadelphia I just finished it.

This makes the fifteenth book I read so far this year. I have five more to go to reach my goal of twenty books. Also, I am on a reading streak. I read thirty-one straight days. I am very pleased with !myself.  

Next up is my all time favorite author, Stephen King and his new book Holly


























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