Saturday 9/23/23

12:54p.m. Breakfast made me very sick. I was painfully bloated. Pain level was a five on my one to five pain scale. I slept in my wheelchair all morning. I woke up in time for a lunch I couldn’t eat. God I feel like hell today.  

3:30p.m. I had a major meltdown this afternoon. I was very sick. needed changed and wanted to go to bed. I had on the call light but nobody answered I went to the nurse’s station to complain. Everyone was sitting on their butts bullshitting. I voiced my complaints. I was told to go back to my room. I gave them the finger as I went back to my room .Finally the aides did come to put me to bed and change my briefs. They didn’t look too happy to see me.  But they did their job and that what counts. 

7:35p.m. I shouldn’t of eaten supper. I ate two chili dogs . I’ve been bloated ever since. I feel sick as a dog I just asked the aides for Mylanta. I won’t get a until they pass evening meds. Why did I have to eat? 

I didn’t think I could read today but I finished a chapter. I didn’t want to break my reading streak . Today makes the 45th straight days of reading I’m afraid I. done for the night though. One chapter is better than nothing



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