Saturday 9/21/24

5:23a.m. I had a very bad day Friday.  They got me up early,way before breakfast. I slept in my wheelchair until they served sausage and pancakes. I had a massive incontinence episode. In fact I was peeing a river. Then the hoyer pad was killing me. Despite this I went to the coffee social . I had two cups then left for my room..

I was one miserable old man by then. I had the call light on and started screaming my fool head off. I didn’t get any help for an hour. By then I was hurting something terrible .The aide finially came to help. She put me back in bed cleaned me up and changed my briefs

I was done for the day. Darla checked on me. I didn’t want pt. She understood. I slept most of the day. Of course I had nightmares and weird dreams that woke me up. Yesterday was pure hell.

I hope today will be better. I’m dressed and in my chair already. I am waiting for breakfast and coffee. I can’t function without my morning coffee I hope I get a good meal.

10:03a.m. Today is going fairly well. I had a big cheese omelette a toast for breakfast. I started reading The New York Times. I read the paper until it was time for the coffee social. I made my way to the Fiesta Room. I had two hot coffees. I’m fully awake and functioning. I called Chocolatechip after I got back to my room. I Left a message. I intend to read more of the paper. Life is good.

1:18p.m. I love the  New York Times! I’ve been reading the paper almost all morning. I can spend all day reading it and only touch half. My favorite articles include U.S. politics, convicts in the Mid East and Europe plus the economy. I also like to read about what is going on in New York City. But that paper covers everything. I’ve been reading it all morning

I took a break from it for lunch I ate in the Fiesta Room. I a hamburger, fries and a piece of strawberry cake. It was delicious but I got very bloated. I stopped at the Nurse’s station and asked for some Mylanta on the way back. Then I talked with Chocolatechip for a half hour. We saidl goodbye so she could clean her air conditioner filter.

I am pretty soaked again. But I’m not in any kind of pain. Also, the hoyer pad isn’t hurting as much. It was not like yesterday, thak God. I am having a much better day. I’m going to read the NYT until supper then catch up on my book The White House Years by Henry Kissinger.

3:41p.m. I am in bed. The aide put me in bed around 2:00. She did a good job. I was undressed, cleaned and had my briefs changed. I spent the next couple hours reading the NYT  and talking with Chocolatechip. I’m ok. I haven’t been peeing and am not in pain. I’m having a very good day.

6:37p.m. I finished the NYT. I talked with Chocolatechip until they served supper. I ate roast pork, mashed potatoes, green beans, a dinner roll and a cup of mixed fruit.  Supper was surprisingly good. I talked with Chocolatechip after I ate. Wen talked about different things. She had been up since 5:00  so she was tired.  We said our goodbyes  for the night

I’m not too tired yet. I hope I can stay up and read The White House Years by Henry Kissinger. I didn’t read yesterday . I had such a shitty day Friday morning. Then I slept most of the day. So I want to get back to my book. After all I have that big test in Foreign Affairs to study for.

9:32p.m. I read The White House Years over an hour. Then Chocolatechip called. We had a nice talk for a long time. So I was having a nice evening until I peed myself. I was already changed not too long ago. Incontinence is so damned frustrating and humiliating. The aides clean me up good. Then I go again right after they leave. My nightly episode ruined a nice evening.

So I’m just going to lie in my own filth until they get around to changing me. I’m not letting this stop me from reading. Kissinger is very hard to understand, at least for me . Nevertheless, he was a brilliant writer. His memoirs of diplomacy during the Nixon and Ford years are classics. I’m thoroughly enjoying them.




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