Saturday 9/2/23

11:16am I am having a very bad day and my night wasn’t so hot. I was changed once during the night. This was around 8. I wasn’t changed again until 4:30 when the aides got me out of bed this morning.Then I went over six hours without getting my briefs changed. I was just changed and put in bed at 11. I’m filing a grievance today and calling the omnubusman Tuesday morning. 

In addition I was in a lot of pain. My shoulder hurt like hell. Of course they wouldn’t give me any Tylenol. Then the sores on my butt were killing me thanks to the fuckin Hoyer pad. Couldn’t get any relief from the pain or get my briefs changed. Needless to say I was very upset and had a major meltdown. 

I get so depressed and anxious when I don’t get proper treatment. I be complained to just about everyone who would listen. Things get better for a few days then it’s back to the same old shit. Then I start feeling helpless and hopeless and this makes me so angry. I end up being one miserable old fart. 

Even though they changed me things are not right. I do not think she put on the new briefs right. They are very tight and are causing a lot of pain. I have the call light on  but I’m afraid getting any kind of help will be another endless battle with the stinking aides. 

3:47p.m. Lunch put me in a better mood. I had spaghetti with meat sauce, mixed veggies and a dinner roll. For dessert I had a cup of blueberries and peaches. I ate it all then got very bloated but that soon passed. I slept most of the afternoon waking up at 3:30. I had another incident but didn’t have to wait to get changed. 

I talked with Chococolatechip. She had a med delivery today so we couldn’t tie up the lines. Also the letter from Social Security arrived in the mail Chococolatechip did she will take it to Freedom Place herself Tuesday afternoon. She hopes that it is not too late. I said I think you still have a great chance of getting in there. Chococolatechip said it isn’t a done deal. 

I talked about my reading deadline. I said three more days until that Stephen King book comes out. I do not think I’ll reach my goal of finishing my book. I don’t think I’ll be able to read Chapter 11 today. This has been such a shitty day I just couldn’t get into it. I said I’ll probably start the King book when I get it. I had not finishing a book I bought but it isn’t the end of the world. Perhaps I can still get it done tonight. I am feeling better.

5:18pm This was one fucked up day. I am feeling like shit right now.  I’m not reading tonight. I’m going to bed right after supper. 

8:46p.m. I had two hot dogs and baked beans for supper. I love baked beans but they don’t love me I had a few bms all night. Of course I’ve been lying in urine and feces. I had the light on but the aides just turn it off and walk away  This is par for the course

I’m proud of myself  though. I stayed up and read. I did a lot of reading finishing Chapter 11 and reading almost half of the last chapter I might be able to finish that book afterall. I’m getting tired now but I’m going to try and finish that chapter tonight.


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