Saturday 8/31/24

11:58a.m. I had a lousy night. No nightmares but I didn’t sleep very well. I also didn’t get very good care. I was lying in urine and feces until 4:00. The aide finially changed my briefs  I was up for  good by breakfast. I ate toast and bacon. Then the aide got me in my wheelchair by 10:00.   

I was still very tired and depressed. I slept in my wheelchair for an hour. I’m still not too with it. I feel like day old road kill. I’m hoping a good lunch will revive my spirits. They are serving hamburgers, potato wedges and gelatin cake. This sounds good to me . 

1:30p.m. I ate two cheeseburgers and that was enough. Then I talked with Chocolatechip. She is cutting out her cable package. That will save her about $100. Chocolatechip said she just cannot afford cable. Everything is going up and up. She is also eliminating a  monthly bus pass. That will only save another $50. She plans on using that money on groceries and laundry.    

I thought it a shame she had to give up cable. But I said I’m glad you are doing this. Food and laundry should come first. As it was Chocolatechip didn’t have enough money for monthly groceries. I said you never really watched that much tv anyway except for the local channel. She can get channel 9 without cable . 

Chocolatechip was very busy this morning. Besides being on the phone with Comcast she did the usual household chores. Then she did two large loads of laundry. After that she she put some hotdogs in the crockpot for supper. She always finds something to do.   Before saying goodbye she said she wanted to rearrange her furniture. 

I feel much better after a good meal. I think I feel up to finishing Vietnam: A History by Stanley Karnow. I got through Chapter 18 last night. I have two more chapters that I will finish this afternoon.     

3:27p.m. I’m don’t feel so hot. I’ve been sleeping all afternoon. The aides woke me up to put me in bed. I can’t shake this depressed and tired feeling. I just want to sleep today.    

4:31p.m. I’m finially getting awake.  I’m listening to my audiobook Vietnam: A History by Stanley Karnow. I’m just about finished with this book. I must say this is an excellent account of that hat tragic period. I will give it a five star rating. But then I give all my books a five star rating. I love my books.   

I am going to start reading The Truths We Hold by Kamala Harris. I hope to start reading that tomorrow.   

6:27p.m. Supper sucked. They served roast pork, cold and runny mashed potatoes, green beans and pears. I had to eat the meat with my fingers because I didn’t get silverware.  I called Chocolatechip after I ate. We had a nice talk. I mentioned that book on Vietnam. I said I really enjoyed listening to it. Chocolatechip talked about not having cable. She doesn’t think she will miss it. I said that was a smart move you made. You shouldn’t run short on groceries or laundry money. She said that is where the.extra money is going on, food and laundry. We talked for about half an hour. 

Now that I slept most of the day I’m wide awake. The depression has lifted as well. This is a good thing because I can finish that Vietnam book. I have one more chapter to go. I will start reading the Kamala Harris book . I can’t wait to get started on it so I’ll probably be up half the night reading The Truths We Hold.         

9:09p.m. I finished my audiobook Vietnam: A History by Stanley Karnow. Then Chocolatechip called. We talked for an hour.






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August 31, 2024

Enjoy your meal and I hope you feel better!

August 31, 2024

@antibiotic Thank I hope you have a good day

August 31, 2024

Happy Saturday Bear!! I’m so sorry that you’re feeling down today. Were there any interesting factoids you read in “Vietnam: A History”?

I think Chocolate Chip’s making a good move, cable is incredibly overpriced now, I have an old pair of rabbit ears and I can pick up a good number of local channels! Maybe she could try something similar. (or if she has internet at her home, she could explore streaming but that might require a bit of help from someone tech savvy).

Who is Chocolate Chip to you? A sister, a friend?

Take care of yourself today, friend! 🙂

August 31, 2024

@jubaliee  She is my girlfriend

September 1, 2024

I’m envious of all the reading and listening you get done.