Saturday 8/10/24

11:18 a.m. I’m up in chair. I’m proud of myself because  I got up without a hoyer. Two aides helped me but I managed to stand on my own feet. Then they gave me a shower and a shave . The day is off to a good start. 

I had a good night as well. I stayed up until 10:30 reading The Edge by David Baldacci. I slept well without any weird dreams. I was up for good by 6:15. They served scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast. I was kept in bed until they came for my shower. 

Chocolatechip called around 8:00.  She was doing laundry. She did one large load. She had a good night. We talked for a few minutes then she wanted to lay down. Chocolatechip sounded better than she did last night.  

3:35p.m. I had two hamburgers for lunch. They were pretty good. Lunch didn’t perk me up though. I was talking tired and grumpy all afternoon. I’m in bed now. The aides used the hoyer to put me in bed. They also changed my briefs. I am glad to be off my chair..

I managed to read a couple articles from The New York Times. One article was about the latest polls conducted by Times/Sienna . The polls show that Kamala Harris leads Trump in key states of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania by 50 – 46 percent. This is good news for the Dems. But it is not all good. I think the article goes on to say that post people trust Trump on important issues such as the economy and immigration. I hope momentum for Harris continues rise.   

6:29p.m. I hate to say this but Chocolatechip has been driving me crazy today. She fixed Eddie the Mooch a grilled cheese sandwich this morning. She told him she wanted her plate back. So far he hasn’t returned it. She went on and on about getting her plate back. Frankly, I’m getting tired of hearing about Eddie the Mooch. 

Every time Chocolatechip had dealings with him it make her angry and upset. She swears she is done. But every time he comes around she caves in. Then she gets upset because he doesn’t speak to her or takes advantage of her. I patiently listen to her and keep telling her not to answer her door. She says she is done with him until the next time.   

I don’t understand it. I don’t understand why she does this. It only makes her upset. I told her this today and she agreed with me. This time she said if I don’t get my bowl back I am done. She said as much yesterday and I’m getting very tired of this.subject. it needs to end.

Other than that I had a so so day. I had a delicious dinner. They served BBQ pork, mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans and a fruit cup. I ate it all. While not listening to Chocolatechip I read the New York Times. That made me feel good. Reading the paper helped take my mind off things.    

I read two very interesting articles . One was about Trump. The author of this article said the last three weeks was very bad for Trump. At the Republican convention he was all but hailed King. Now he has become disoriented over the rise of Kamala Harris..He us all but confused over how to deal with her during the campaign. I think this is a good thing for the Democratic party.    

I read part of another article about the the “New Right.” This is lead by JD Vance The author went on about how this actually started goes back to Joe McCarthy and the cold war era. I didn’t get a chance to go read it all. I want to read this one again.  

8:40p.m. I’ve been reading The Edge by David Baldacci. This is a great murder mystery. There are a lot of twists and turns in this story. I’m just about finished with it. I still can’t figure out who killed Jenny Silkwell and raped her sister Alex. It looks like the same man might of done both. At  least the government investigator, Travis Devine, thinks this is the case.  

Well, it’s back to my book.




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