Saturday 7/27/24

7:30a.m. I had some weird but nice dreams last night. In one dream I was living in a fancy high rise. I couldn’t get around it or find my!apartment. Chocolatechip was in it. She decorated my apartment up very nice. The only thing I didn’t like was she hanged a head of a cow on my wall.

Then in another dream I was dressed as a woman. I was at Tudors in downtown Weirton. A girlfriend had stolen or taken a book from the library using my library card. She was showing it to me. I took it back and wanted to return it. I walked up to the library. A gang of kids began following me. They were laughing at me and tried to beat me up. But I fought them off. 

I made it to the library. They would not let me in. I gave them the book though. Then I returned to Tudors. That girl who stole the book was waiting. She was mad I took it back. We got in an argument. She broke up with me after calling me all kinds of names. 

I was up for good by 6:30. I laid in bed until breakfast. I had biscuits with gravy and oatmeal cereal. It was pretty good. I ate it all and didn’t get sick. I have talked with Chocolatechip. She was ok. She plans on cleaning out her frig and freezer today. Chocolatechip was telling me how this one tenant in her building shares psych meds with her adult son. This is a big mistake but sharing meds is a common practice at Misery Towers.      

1:40p.m. I’m still in bed . I have not been changed. So I’ve been lying in urine and feces all morning. Asshole is on duty. I don’t get any care when he is around. Needless to say I’m very upset. But there is nothing I can do.    

I’m also upset about the speaker dying on me. It is not charging. This means I can’t finish my audiobook. There is no justice in this world. I will have to fork out $36.98 for a new speaker next month. Provided the nursing home goes to Walmart and I can get Amazon gift cards. I can’t get this out of my head.   

Then the cough is worse not better. I was literally chocking in my own mucus this morning. Other than giving me cough med the nursing home isn’t helping. Chocolatechip says I should be shipped to the hospital. A cold would of run its course by now. She thinks I might have a virus or pneumonia. She could be right. She did work as an LPN.

So this is not a good day I’m sick. I can’t get good care and my speaker died. I wish I would die.

2:51p.m. Asshole finially got around to helping me. He did a lousy job. He didn’t clean me or put cream on my sore butt. He just changed my briefs, put a clean gown on me and got me in my chair. I’ve also been coughing my fool head off. I’m definitely going to ask the nurse to ship me to the hospital when they pass out meds.

4:21p.m. I talked with the nurse. He said they can’t transport me to the hospital for just a cough. I tried to say I have  more than a cough going on. He said he wil have the nurse practitioner evaluate me Monday. He also explained everything to Chocolatechip. I wasn’t paying attention because i was almost passed out. So I guess I’m not going to the hospital.

Then none of my devices were working right. My speaker and tablet were not charging. I’m going to try charging the speaker and tablet one more time. As of now it looks like I will have to buy a new speaker and tablet next month. Bummer.

6:27p.m.  I had spaghetti, carrots, a dinner roll and peaches with blueberries for supper. It was ok but nobody makes spaghetti like Marios in Weirton. I ate everything and dinner put me in a better mood. Also, I figured out how to get my tablet charging. It looks like I won’t have to get one next month. But a backup tablet is definitely in the order. 

I’m not sure about the Bluetooth speaker. I have it plugged in. I’m keeping it plugged in until morning. But I think it is shot. This means more audiobooks. I can get a replacement next month if they go to Walmart. I should have $100.00 available by then. I can afford another Anker Bluetooth speaker for a total of $36.99 But I’m hoping against all hope the one I have is salvageable.

I talked with Chocolatechip after I ate. She was worried about getting bed bugs again. Chocolatechip said she was getting friendly with Kieth and Carol After that she noticed a few BB in her apartment. They said the don’t have them. But then I said so did a lot of other people tell you that. I also said stay they hell away from them because you cannot risk getting bed bugs again. She agreed. We talked  until it was time for her bedtime.

I haven’t read much of the New York Times today. I was just too sick. This lingering bug I have was really kicking my butt. I was also obsessing over my electronic devices. In short this was a very bad day. But I’m feeling somewhat better now. And at least my tablet is working. I’ll give the paper one more shot before they put me to bed.

8:15p.m. I’m still in my wheelchair. I have not been changed since they got me out of bed this afternoon. So I’ve been sitting in urine and feces for a long time. I am too tired to be mad. Besides getting upset doesn’t help the situation.

This didn’t stop me from reading the New York Times. I read several articles during the last hour. I read one article about Andy Beshear. He is a two term Democratic governor from Kentucky. The article said he is being considered a running mate with Kamala Harris. He has a down home folksy manner and can relate well with white, rural Americans. He is friendly but had been described as an attack dog. It was an interesting article.

Right now I would like to get to bed. It is useless to use the call light . Aides will get to be when they get to me.

9:37p.m. I’m in bed now. I had a nice aide. She put cream on my sores and gave me a clean hospital gown. I am feeling a bit better. I read one more article from the Times. It was about a rocket attack launched by Hezbollah against an Israeli village in the Golan Heights. Twelve people were killed.  Of course Israel will retaliate. Then I read part of an article about Pete Buttigieg . He was saying the Trump fever has played out. Kamala Harris is setting the nation on fire.  She will be the next President. I hope he is right.

I’m kind of wound up right now. I’m thinking about that damned. speaker. I have it plugged in. I’m leaving it plugged in all night. I hope I can get it charged. I’m losing sleep because of it. I can’t get it out of my head. I’m thinking this speaker was a gift. I ruined it and I feel very bad. I’m just a stupid asshole.



























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