Saturday 6/8/24

10:37a.m. I had a so so night. I didn’t read  because I fell asleep early. I don’t remember having any weird dreams. I was up by 6:30. Breakfast was skimpy. I had a little bit of scrambled eggs.. I missed the coffee social. My aide didn’t get me out of bed until 10:30. 

I have today’s menu. I’m having a hamburger, potato wedges and jello for lunch. For dinner it’s roast pork, green beans, mashed potatoes, a dinner roll and a fruit cup.     

1:24 p.m. I’m having a good day with no arthritis pain. But my roommate has been an asshole all morning for no reason. It got on my nerves so I took my Kindle and headed for the Fiesta Room for lunch. While there I spent the last of my $80 gift card money. I bought a Stephen King short story “Children of the Corn.”  I read my book Landscape Turned Red until they served lunch. That hamburger I had was delicious and so was everything else. I also had a nice cup of hot coffee.

I made my way back to my room and called Chocolatechip. We had a nice long chat for almost an hour. She did a load of laundry this morning. Then she made macaroni salad. She also told me about a weird dream. Some guy from Colorado called. In this dream he said he was going to murder her. Then we were talking about this movie she was watching. It was Ordinary People with Donald Sutherland and Mary Tyler Moore. I saw that about a million times I said. It’s a great movie. We had a very nice chat.

I’m behind in my reading again. I tried reading this morning but I couldn’t concentrate on my book. My roommate was making too much noice. It is a lot quieter in here now so I think I’ll give her a try. I got to finish Chapter 8 in my book. I want to finish Landscape Turned Red so I can start on my next book Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin.

4:51p.m . I’m making slow progress in my book but I’m getting her done. I read for almost an hour. Then Chocolatechip called.nShe was outside for awhile. It didn’t go very well. The women in Misery Towers like to give her a hard time. She was talking about her latest run in with a couple of them. These two women out there with her are nothing but trouble makers. I keep telling Chocolatechip she is a class act. Those women are not worth an ounce of her sweat.

We were talking for about a half hour. The aide came to put me in bed. I desperately needed changed so i was more than willing.

Also, something unusual happened. My roommate has not been in his bed all afternoon. He never leaves his room. I wonder if they are putting him in a new room.  I hope nothing happened to him?

6:28p.m.  Supper was a bust. The pork was very tough. It had some kind of sauce on it that didn’t agree with me. I got very bloated from two small pieces. Then I couldn’t stand the cold, tasteless mashed potatoes. The only thing good about supper was the fruit cup. Even the coffee was cold so I didn’t drink it .

I called Chocolatechip. We talked about the incident out in the parking lot this afternoon. I’m said you got to stay away from those people. They do not do you any good. You can just sit someplace else when they are out there. Everytime you are around them they leave a bad taste in your mouth. She agreed with me.

We also talked a little bit about Eddie the Mooch. He can go suck an egg. Chocolatechip said he has been playing her all along. This one lady in the building warned her. I tried to tell her a million times. Eddie gets a check. He also works under the table. I said I bet he has all kinds of money coming in. Chocolatechip said she isn’t answering her door anymore. I hope she means it this time. We talked for about a half hour then she went to bed.

I think my roommate is back. I heard something over his end of the room. I’m glad he is ok. Chocolatechip and I were also talking about him. He must of been in a lot of pain this morning because he was constantly yelling. Chocolatechip said they might of taken him to the hospital.he might of died. I said I didn’t see any EMS people. In any case he is back and I’m glad of that .

I hope I can stay up and read tonight. I want to finish that damned book. I’m determined to finish Chapter 8 tonight.

11: 17 p.m. I just woke up from the mother of all nightmares. It seemed so real and vivid. I was in this car with a woman and a guy. The guy was supposed to be a friend. The woman turned out to be a witch. She was doing a good job in seducing me. But I was trying to be faithfulful to my girlfriend.

The woman seducing me was extremely beautiful on the outside. But she was very ugly . Her true colors were revealed when I turned her down. She showed herself to be a very ugly witch. Yet the guy I thought was my friend turned out to me a devil worshiper. In the end I was forced to have sex with the witch.She ended up having the devil’s son





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