Saturday 6/22/24

6:28p.m. I had the shittiest day. It started out bad. The coffee was so cold at breakfast I could not drink it. Then I was laying in urine for three hours before the aide got me dressed and in my wheelchair. This wasn’t until after ten so I missed the coffee social again. Then my arthritis was killing me. Pain level was a five on a 1-10 scale. Fortunately I was able to sleep in my wheelchair most of the morning.

The afternoon wasn’t so great. I was still in a lot of pain. Again I slept after lunch. Then I had a major accident. I needed my briefs changed. I ended up sitting in urine for two hours. It wasn’t until 4:30 when the aide put me in bed and changed my briefs. 

I perked up at supper. Miracle of miracles happened at supper. The coffee was hot. Supper wasn’t too bad. I had braised pork, Italian broccoli,panned fried potatoes and vanilla ice cream. The potatoes were cold but I ate them anyway.

I was one miserable old fart today. My care sucked. The coffee sucked. Everything but supper sucked. Hell ,I sucked today. I hate This frigging nursing home at times. Today was one of them. I only hope tomorrow will be better.

8:33p.m. I started to read You Like it Darker by Stephen King. This is a collection of twelve short stories. The first story is “Two Talented Bastids.” It is about two men who achieve success in their mid 40s But something strange happened to them while they were on a hunting trip in 1978. This seems like a good story.

I am feeling better. I got lost in a good story. Reading always helps me. I would be lost without my books and Kindle.



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June 22, 2024

It’s not easy living in a nursing home and then it’s especially harder for you because you live with incontinence.  And yet Bear, you always make the best of it.  So glad you had some hot coffee tonight.  I hope it helped a little bit – I know hot coffee perks you up.  Hugs!

June 23, 2024

I know my day is going to be bad if I don’t have a hot cup in the morning, so I can sympathize. I can’t wait to hear more about the Stephen King stories.