Saturday 6/15/24

10:16a.m. I had very strange dreams last night. I was dreaming about crossdressing again. I met a woman who wanted to dress me up. She had this wig and made me wear it. Then she got me to wear this dress. After I waas dressed up she took me to Pittsburgh. We ate out in a fancy restaurant and then everyone in that place new I was a man. I felt so humiliated as the woman laughed at my plight. 

Anyways I was up for good by 7:00. I called Chocolatechip. She sounded very down. She said she was going to quit smoking. Chocolatechip was tired of the going outside only to have people give her a hard time. She said she is going to stay in her apartment and start reading books. We talked about this until they served drinks and breakfast.    

I had raisin toast and s rambled eggs . The eggs were very cold but I ate them. Then they got my briefs changed, dressed me and in. Y wheelchair. I made it to the Fiesta Room for the Coffee Social. I didn’t hear anyone talk about me so I had a good time. I had a snack with my one cup of coffee. I then made my way back to my room. 

Well I’m above the dirt and blessed with another day. I can’t wait to get started in my book Team of Rivals. i finished a very interesting chapter last night. It was about how Abraham Lincoln got nominated  at the 1860 Republican convention in Chicago I start reading about the 1860 general election in  Chapter 9 !

 1:06p.m. I am having a great day so far. I’ve been listening to my book Team of Rivals all morning. I paused when they served lunch drinks. The Coffeek was cold but I drank it anyways.  I had two hotdogs with a small dish of baked beans and a couple of cookies.Their hot dogs are not that good. I used to cook mine in a crockpot. They were delicious Still, I ate them without complaint. 

I also talked with Chocolatechip. She was all ready for the party. Her grandson is picking her up at 12:45. We talked about the highs and lows of bipolar depression. She was feeling down this morning she said. I could tell I replied. Chocolatechip said she wasn’t looking forward to the party. But she climbed back up and got ready for it. She is a trooper. We talked for a few minutes then she had to wait for her ride.   

Well it is back to my book. The aides just put me in bed. They did a good job in undressing and cleaning me. I am glad to be off the hoyer pad. I. Still listening to Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin. I finished Chapter 9 I’m moving right along with that story. I can’t get enough of it. 

5:13p.m. Chocolatechip is back home. She had a pretty good time at the party. She called at 4:15. She said her daughters Anne and Loretta were there. Chocolatechip got to see her grandkids. People got along and the the food was good. She stayed for three hours. One of her grandchildren brought her home. Chocolatechip said it was good to get out of the building but good to get home.  

I missed my girlfriend but I had a good time this afternoon. I spent my time listening to my audiobook. I got through three chapters. Then they served dinner. I had a big plate of spaghetti,a dinner roll and a cup of blueberries. Dinner was delicious. 

I called Chocolatechip after I ate. She was very depressed for some reason. She said I think I know what is wrong. I have no life. I said I think that is depression speaking.. Again we talked about her bipolar depression. I didn’t say anything but it seems to me she has been going through very rapid mood changes the last few days. I’m a bit worried.   

I did say I think it is situational. Living in Misery Towers is not easy. She had to put up with a lot of crap. Nearly everyone in that place has an angle or is a scammer. Then you can’t visit anyone or have anyone over for fear of getting bed bugs. It makes for a very long and depressing existence. I strongly suggested she get lost in a good book.  

We talked for about forty minutes. Then she wanted to go to bed. She asked if I was going to read tonight. I said I think I need to give it a rest. I had been reading constantly all day I said. Besides supper made me very bloated. Then again Team of Rivals is calling 































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