Saturday 6/1/24

6:57a.m. I had another bad night thanks to weird dreams. I remember one dream where I was talking to this guy I knew in high school. We were talking about the Vietnam War. I was saying something how we treated those soldiers deployability. I said it was onek thing to be against the war. But there was no excuse to treat returning soldiers in such a shitty  manner. He didn’t want to talk about it and I walked away.  

I was up for good by six. I called Chocolatechip. We talked for a few minutes. Then thel aide was in my room. I asked if I could get up. He did. So I’m dressed and in my wheelchair now. I’m glad because I hate eating in bed . I can also go to the  coffee social. 

I started reading Landscapes Turned Red by Stephen W Sears. This is about the battle of Antietam fought on September 17, 1862. I didn’t get very far. I read the first few pages in the introduction. I think the author said it was the costliest single day battle in the entire Civil War. I’ll have to start over again. 

Right now I’m waiting on breakfast. I already had my coffee and apple juice.The coffee was not very hot but I drank it anyways. Cold coffee is better than no coffee in the morning.

10:03a.m. Breakfast consisted of cold scrambled eggs, cold hash browns and cold coffee. I ate everything anyway. A cold breakfast is better than no breakfast. I tried to read after I ate but I had a hard time staying awake. I managed to read the Introduction to Landscape Turned Red but was just too tired.   

I did make it to the Fiesta Room for the coffee social. I had a nice cup of hot coffee that perked me up. The room was cold though.  I got my menu for Saturday and left. For lunch I am having a turkey sandwich, pasta salad and Mandarin oranges. For dinner it is sweet & sour meatballs, Italian broccoli,a dinner roll and a strawberry striped cake. 

I made it back to my room. I called Chocolatechip and left a message. I checked my email. Chocolatechip sent me a message. She was talking about how two people whom she let in her apartment has bedbugs. She is scared shitless she will get bb from them. She sounded mad because they didn’t tell her they had bb. I don’t blame her Abit for bing mad.

Now that I’m perked up I’m going to concentrate on Landscapes Turned Red Life is good.

12:33p.m. I made it to the Fiesta Room for lunch. I had two turkey sandwiches. I ate everything and. didn’t get sick. I read for a little bit but it was too cold so I left. I called Chocolatechip when I got back. She was taking a break. She had a movie on Look Whose Talking.  But we talked for a few minutes.

Chocolatechip was telling me about this one girl named Patty. Patty is another moocher. Chocolatechip has a hard enough time feeding herself.  Yet she gave some of her food to Patty. Well, Patty hit her up again for groceries. I swear I don’t understand those people in Misery Towers. This is the 1st and everybody got their check. Instead of mooching why can’t they buy their own groceries? Chocolatechip said she is taking the bus to Walmart on Monday. Why can’t this Patty person do the same?

I am having a good day so far. I actually ate breakfast and lunch without getting sick. Right now I feel stuffed but not bloated. Since I’m feeling do great I hope I can stay in my wheelchair and read. I’ve been trying to read the first chapter in Landscape Turned Red by Stephen W Sears.

3:46p.m. I read forr an hour. I finished the Intro and Prologue to Landscape Turned Red by Stephen W Sears. Itwas very interesting  I also looked at books. I’m wondering if the nursing home is going Walmart shopping this month. I have three books I just have to buy. These books are by Stephen King, John Grisham, and David Baldacci. These are my favorite authors.

Chocolatechip called. The woman never stops when she is in inspection mode . She swept her floors. dusted and  cleaned the computer this afternoon. Then she budgeted out her check to make sure she can pay her bills. Chocolatechip did all that while I sat on my lazy butt reading. I think she is amazing.

I’m in bed now. I’m kind of proud of myself. I was able to stand with the help of a walker! I was scared shitless I’d fall but I didn’t. I got up on my own and sat in bed. The aide lifted my legs into the bed, undressed me and changed my briefs. Yay for me!

6:20p.m. I ate most of my supper. I’m not sure what I got. It sure didn’t taste like sweet and sour meatballs. Supper wasn’t anything to write home about but it was better than nothing.  Chocolatechip had a bowl of cereal for supper. I cannot complain.

I talked with Chocolatechip after I ate. She was going on about how some tenant tried to hit her up laundry money. What the hell is it with those people? Chocolatechip can’t go outside for a smoke without someone trying to bum something. Everyone in Misery Towers gets a damned check. This is the 1st and they all should be well off.  There is no excuse.

We talked about that for awhile and other things. I  mentioned the book I just started. I hope to stay up and finish the first chapter. She talked about some of her favorite music videos on YouTube. We also talked about one of our favorite movies which is Love Story. We had a nice talk for a half hour then she went to bed.

I had a good day today. I had three good meals and got decent care. I did a lot of reading in Landscape Turned Red . I was able to stand up on my own while getting into bed. I was without too much arthritis pain. Also, I ate my meals without having painful bm. This was a very good day.

8:18p.m. I have been reading Landscape ed Red. I read for an hour and finished Chapter 1. It was interesting  I hope to stay up and read the second chapter tonight.











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