Saturday 5/18/24

1:22p.m. I’m having a so so day. I skipped breakfast for fear of sick. Then they kept me in bed until 11:00 this morning. I received good care. The aide was friendly and she did a good job. I then went to the Fiesta Room for an awful lunch. They served Shepherd’s pie. I had a chocolate brownie for dessert

Lunch made me sick and bloated. I stopped at the nurse’s station for some Mylanta on the way back to  my room. Once back I called Chocolatechip. She had been working on her apartment for inspection since 3:00. She got the bedroom and the stove in tip top shape. Chocolatechip said she has to do the frig next. Then it’s the livingl room and bathroom.

She also talked about the Urban Mission. Chocolatechip said she found a cockroach since her last visit. She was able to catch it was and kill that sucker. After that experience that is the last trip. I said good. We talked for awhile then she wanted to go watch her favorite movie, The Trouble With Angels.

My stomach has settled down somewhat. I still feel a bit queezy. But I’m above the dirt. I hope that this will not stop me from reading. I planned to finish my book Gettysburg today

3:29p.m. I’ve been listening to music in the Coral room. I was feeling a bit blue so I indulged in music therapy. I listened to some of my favorite: Ave Maria sung by Chloe Agnew, Beethoven’s 5th, Johnny Cash Ghost Riders in the Sky and many more old time country greats. Then I snacked on a pbj and sent back to my room. 

I’m having a pretty good day . It’s been a bit lonely but I can’t complain. I haven’t talked with Chocolatechip this afternoon.She was watching her movie and I didn’t want to bother her. I miss her when we don’t talk and get so friggin lonesome in this nursing home.. I can’t seem to make any better friends in this place. Oh well I have my books to keep me company. 

4:47p.m. I’m back in bed. I had a major incontinence episode. I was soaked. I had the call light on but nobody answered. I ended up going tok the nurse’s station for help. I got help right away then and the aide turned out to be very nice. She did a good job in getting me ready for bed. I feel much better.  

I talked with Chocolatechip. She was pretty tired but we talked for a few minutes. She has 18 days left to get ready for inspection. She talked about all the things that still need to be done. This is in addition to usual chores. She is definitely going to work on the kitchen tomorrow concentrating on the frig.  I said you can an get her done. 

I’m having a better supper. They are serving baked ham, green beans, sweet potato casserole and a dinner roll. I love ham. Dinner should go down without making me sick.   

I haven’t read much today. For some reason I wanted to listen to music. I also watched CNN. As usual they were talking about the Trump trial. Michael Cohen is supposed to be back on the stand Monday. He is being grilled by Trump’s lawyers. This story is getting old but I hope Trump is convicted.   

I going to read for awhile before I supper. I got to finish that book Gettysburg tonight or tomorrow.








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